Progressively measurable process

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In mathematics, progressive measurability is a property of stochastic processes. A progressively measurable process cannot "see into the future", but being progressively measurable is a strictly stronger property than the notion of being an adapted process.

[edit] Definition


The process X is said to be progressively measurable (or simply progressive) if, for every time t, the map [0, t] \times \Omega \to \mathbb{X} defined by (s, \omega) \mapsto X_{s} (\omega) is \mathrm{Borel}([0, t]) \otimes \mathcal{F}_{t}-measurable. This implies that X is adapted.

Also, we say that a subset P \subseteq [0, \infty) \times \Omega is progressively measurable if the process Xs(ω): = χP(s,ω) is progressively measurable in the sense defined above. The set of all such subsets P form a sigma algebra on [0, \infty) \times \Omega, denoted Prog, and a process X is progressively measurable in the sense of the previous paragraph if, and only if, it is Prog-measurable.

[edit] Properties

  • It can be shown that L2(B), the space of stochastic processes X : [0, T] \times \Omega \to \mathbb{R}^{n} for which the Ito integral \int_{0}^{T} X_{t} \, \mathrm{d} B_{t} with respect to Brownian motion B is defined, is the set of equivalence classes of Prog-measurable processes in L^{2} ([0, T] \times \Omega; \mathbb{R}^{n}).
  • Any adapted process with left- or right-continuous paths is progressively measurable.
  • Consequently, any adapted process with càdlàg paths is progressively measurable.
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