Progress Publishers

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Progress Publishers was a Moscow-based Soviet publisher founded in 1931.

It was noted for its English-language editions of books on Marxism-Leninism.

Progress Publishers were particularly also known for their "Short History of USSR" and ABC series (ABC of Party, ABC of Socialism, ABC of Dialectical Materialism, etc.). They also published many scientific, arts, political books, classic books, children's literature, books in source languages for people studying foreign languages, guidebooks and photographic albums. One of the common features of all Progress books was their "request to reader" to send an opinion and suggestions on the book. It reads: "REQUEST TO READERS. Progress Publishers would be glad to have your opinion of this book, its translation and design and any suggestions you may have for the future publications. Please send all your comments to 21, Zubovsky Boulevard, Moscow, U.S.S.R."[1] Most books published in English, which still exist in many libraries, are notable for the non-classical English used by the Soviet translators which retained the essential romance and ethos of the Russian language. This is a feature that current translations by native speakers of English have failed to retain.[citation needed] Polevoi, Boris [1967]. A Story About a Real Man (in English). Moscow: Progress Publishers. 

[edit] See also
