Probe droid

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Star Wars craft
Probe Droid
Manufacturer Arakyd Industries
Specification Arakyd Industries Viper Series Probe Droid
Type Viper Series
Length Unknown
Weapons 1 Laser Cannon
Crew Unmanned
Troop Capacity None
Affiliation Galactic Empire
Cargo None

Probe droids, also known as Probots, are a fictional type of droid found in the Star Wars movies. They are automated reconnaissance and information-gathering vehicles that can be launched in special pods over great distances and will land on their intended target, usually a planet. Upon landing the droid will unfold from its pod and begin collecting information from the immediate area using its sensor pod mounted on the top and manipulator arms and instruments mounted on the bottom. Whether such information is intended for scientific, military or any other application then usually defines its subsequent actions. Military probe droids such as these were used by the Empire. An example was in Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back when Darth Vader had several thousand launched to search for the Rebellion. These droids will seek out any hostile presence, mapping enemy positions and avoiding detection for as long as possible. Scientific or economic probe droids continue to gather information for their entire service life; probe droids are incapable of interstellar flight because they use repulsorlifts for locomotion and are usually launched in one-way pods. The collected data is transmitted regularly to pre-programmed coordinates using some communications method not extensively explained, at a speed far greater than the speed of light. Since the founding of the Galactic Republic, probe droids were made by Galalloy Industries. During the Battle of Hoth, the leading producer is Arakyd Industries. The probe droids appearing in these films are all Arakyd Industries Viper series military probe droids, carrying a single blaster for defense. Upon detection, the probes are programmed to self-destruct.

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