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Proapp is the term used to define Apple software engineered for professional applications. These applications have a distinctly different-looking GUI and look and feel from normal Apple applications and other software run on Mac OS X.
[edit] Proapps
- This list is incomplete.
The proapps include:
- Logic Studio
- Logic Pro: MIDI sequencer and Digital Audio Workstation software
- Apple Loops Utility: Loops organizer and manager.
- WaveBurner Pro: CD encoding, authoring, and burning
- Final Cut Studio
- Final Cut Pro: real-time non-linear editing for DV, SD, HD and film
- Batch Monitor: For viewing and monitoring batch encoding tasks.
- Apple Motion 2: "real-time motion graphics design"
- Soundtrack Pro (formerly "Soundtrack"): "advanced audio editing and sound design"
- Soundtrack Loops Utility (discontinued): Loops organizer and manager.
- Apple Loops Utility: Loops organizer and manager.
- DVD Studio Pro: DVD encoding, authoring and burning.
- LiveType 2: animated text sequences for video projects
- Cinema Tools: tools specific to film processing
- Compressor: a video conversion tool similar to QuickTime Pro but supporting more formats
- Apple Qmaster: a distributed processing tool
- QuickTime Pro: an enhanced version of QuickTime featuring more advanced tools and some export tools.
- Apple Qadministrator -creating and managing Qmaster clusters
- Aperture: Professional digital photography management and post-production.
- Shake is an image compositing package used in the movie post-production industry.