Private Investigator Service and Licensure in Connecticut

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Like all states Connecticut has private investigators. The private investigators in Connecticut are employed by attorneys, individuals and business’. The type of investigations by Connecticut private investigators run gamut from criminal defense investigations to infidelity investigations. Like many States, Connecticut private investigators require state licensing. In Connecticut there are two classes of licensed private investigator: “licensed private detective,” and “registered Private investigators.”

[edit] Nature of the work

[edit] Type of investigations conducted by Connecticut Private Investigators

The type of investigations conducted by Connecticut private investigators vary, but include: bankruptcy fraud, infidelity, employee theft, criminal defense investigations, residential vandalism, and domestic violence. As insurance companies are ubiquitous in Connecticut, large parts of the work load of any private investigator in Connecticut are insurance fraud cases. Many Connecticut private investigators also conduct asset location services. The size of Connecticut Private Investigator’s asset location business stems from Connecticut’s creditor friendly laws.

[edit] Methods used by Connecticut Private Investigators

The methods used by Connecticut Private Investigators are the same type of methods used by private investigators throughout the Countries. Detectives Will question witness’ (something which only licensed or registered private investigators may do). Private investigators may also follow subjects of investigations, such as suspected adulterers. Private investigators may help lawyers in papers search of documents turned over as evidence. In limited circumstances, private may also do undercover investigations. In their work, private investigators will also employ hightec methods. Private investigators will often video tape the activities of a party he is investigating. Video evidence is the most irrefutable type of evidence. Private investigators will employ, in their work, various computer data bases. Through computer databases private investigators can find the location of people, and attached property.