Princess Hatsusebe

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Princess Hatsusebe (泊瀬部皇女 Hatsusebe no himemiko?) (? - 741) was a person in Japan during the Asuka Period and the Nara Period. She was a daughter of Emperor Temmu. Her mother was Lady Kajihime, whose father is Shishibito no Omi Ōmaro. Her siblings include Prince Osakabe, Prince Shiki and Princess Taki.

She was made to marry Prince Kawashima, who took part in the conspiracy of the rebellion with Prince Ōtsu, Prince Osakabe and Prince Shigi in 686 but he betrayed them. Because of his treachery, their attempts came out into the open before they were carried out, and the princes who took part in the attempts were all punished except Prince Kawashima.

After Prince Kawashima's death in 691, she never married anyone until she died on the 28th day of the 3rd month in 741.
