Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein

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Royal Family of Jordan

*already part of the family but moved to reflect her now married position

Styles of
Prince Hamzah of Jordan
Reference style His Royal Highness
Spoken style Your Royal Highness
Alternative style Sir

Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein of Jordan (Arabic: حمزة بن الحسين) (born March 29, 1980[1]) is the eldest son of the late King Hussein of Jordan from his American-born fourth wife, Queen Noor al-Hussein. He was named Crown Prince of Jordan in 1999, a position he held until it was rescinded in 2004 by his half-brother, King Abdullah II of Jordan. Queen Noor states in her autobiography that she and King Hussein named their son after Hamza ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib.


[edit] Official Biography

Born on the 29th of March 1980, His Royal Highness Prince Hamzah ibn Al Hussein is the 43rd generation direct descendent of the Prophet Mohammad. His Majesty King Abdullah II officially named him as Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 7th of February 1999 until 28th of November 2004.

Prince Hamzah received his elementary education in Jordan and then attended Harrow School in England. He then joined the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, passing out as a commissioned officer in the Jordan Arab Army in December 1999, with a number of prizes including the Sandhurst Overseas Sword, granted to the best overseas cadet and the HRH Prince Saud Abdullah Prize, presented to the cadet with the best aggregate mark in academic subjects.

Serving then as an officer in the Jordan Arab Army’s 40th Armored Brigade, Prince Hamzah attended a number of military courses and attachments in Jordan, the UK, Poland, Germany and the US. Currently holding the rank of Major in the Jordan Arab Army, he served with the Jordan-United Arab Emirates force operating in former Yugoslavia under the umbrella of international peacekeepers. In the year 2006, he graduated from Harvard University.

Prince Hamzah has also served his country in a number of other capacities; he was sworn in as Regent on numerous occasions and deputized for His Majesty King Abdullah II on a number of missions in the Kingdom and abroad. Prince Hamzah heads the Royal Advisory Committee on the Energy Sector. He is also the Honorary President of the Jordan Basketball Federation. HRH, who received a number of high decorations from Jordan and other countries, including Bahrain, Italy and Holland, is also the Chairman of the board of trustees of the Royal Car Museum [1], the President of the Royal Aero sports Club of Jordan and the President of Al-Shajarah (Tree) Protection Society.[2].

Prince Hamzah is a qualified rotor & fixed wing aircraft pilot and enjoys other sports such as Jujitsu and target-shooting.

[edit] Education

The prince attended Harrow, a British independent school, and graduated from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He also graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, England. He is a major in the Jordanian Army.

[edit] Marriage and family

Prince Hamzah married his 2nd cousin, Princess Noor bint Asem bin Nayef, a daughter of Prince Asem bin Nayef, at Al Baraka Palace in Amman on August 29, 2003. The official wedding was held on May 27, 2004. On April 18, 2007, Princess Noor Hamzah gave birth to the couple's first child, a daughter named Princess Hayah bint Hamzah, in Amman, Jordan.

[edit] Personal Interests

With a full schedule of study, training, official duties and military service, Prince Hamzah has had little leisure time during the past few years. When he does have some personal free time, he likes spending time with family and friends. He enjoys piloting helicopters, shooting, parachuting, as well as sky diving, motorcycling and water sports. He also enjoys reading (mainly history books and biographies).

[edit] External links

[edit] References

Queen Noor (2003) Leap of Faith: Memoirs of an Unexpected Life, Miramax Books, ISBN 0-7868-6717-5
