
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, I am Prezboy1 talk
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Hello, welcome to my UserPage. Generally my contributions to Wikipedia focus on improving templates, appearance and sourcing articles. I'm probably most knowledgeable of Political Science, American, British History or French Language... so you might want to go somewhere else if you need help on science or mathematics articles.

Here are a few of my favorite articles on Wikipedia:

These articles highlight some of my personal interests:

en This user is a native speaker of English.
fr-4 Cet utilisateur parle français à un niveau comparable à la langue maternelle.
es-2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
This user is from New Hampshire.
21 This Wikipedian is 21 years, 3 months, and 10 days old
on June 11, 2008.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.
According to the Political Compass this user is:
Economic Right (5.625) and
Social Libertarian (-1.23077)
sco-1 This uiser can contreibute wi a laich level o Scots.
According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator this user is an
INTJ (66 11 11 33)
This user supports Senator John McCain for President in 2008. add
This user is highly against communism.
This user is an independent voter who doesn't like partisan politics.