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[edit] Beginning of the Pre-Nectarian
If the Pre-Nectarian began not with the Giant Impact 4.533 Ga ago but with the formation of the lunar crust 4.2 Ga ago, why is this not reflected in the accompanying chart?
Eroica (talk) 16:30, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
According to other Wikipedia articles, it seems that the Pre-Nectarian runs from 4.533 Ga ago to 3.92 Ga ago, and may be subdivided into the Cryptic Era (4.533 Ga ago to 4.172 Ga ago) and Basin Groups 1-9 (4.172 Ga ago to 3.92 Ga ago)
Eroica (talk) 14:16, 1 February 2008 (UTC)