Presidential Standard
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Several countries use the term Presidential Standard or Presidential Flag to describe the flag used by a president.
- Presidential Standard of Argentina
- Presidential Standard of Austria
- Presidential Standard of Belarus
- Presidential Standard of Croacia
- Presidential Standard of Estonia
- Presidential Standard of Finland
- Presidential Standard of Germany
- Presidential Standard of Greece
- Presidential Standard of Iceland
- Presidential Standard of India
- Presidential Standard of Ireland
- Presidential Standard of Italy
- Presidential Standard of Latvia
- Presidential Standard of Lithuania
- Presidential Standard of Malta
- Presidential Standard of Pakistan
- Presidential Jack (Standard) of Poland
- Presidential Standard of Portugal
- Presidential Standard of Romania
- Presidential Standard of Russia
- Presidential Standard of Serbia
- Presidential Standard of Sri Lanka
- Presidential Standard of Singapore
- Presidential Standard of South Korea
- Presidential Standard of Ukraine
- Presidential Standard of the United Arab Emirates (The President of United Arab Emirates is a monarch)
- Presidential Standard of the United States