Precious Life

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Precious Life , is an all-Ireland organisation founded in 1997 by Bernadette Smyth with the stated purpose of opposing abortion, through non-violent means. They are the largest such organisation in all of Ireland. Along with distributing pro-life literature, they also give talks across Northern Ireland.

The Northern Ireland Assembly debated the issue of abortion in October 2007 as a result of a motion tabled by Jeffrey Donaldson and Iris Robinson.[1] The motion, which rejected draft guidelines on abortion issued by the Department of Health in January of the same year, was passed.[2][3] Precious Life stated that this outcome represented a "victory for unborn children".[4][5]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Northern Ireland Assembly. (October 22, 2007). Official Report 22 October 2007. Retrieved November 1, 2007.
  2. ^ "Assembly call over abortion guide." (October 22, 2007). BBC News. Retrieved November 1, 2007.
  3. ^ The Department of Health, Social Services, & Public Safety. (January 16, 2007). "Department Issues Draft Guidelines on Termination of Pregnancy." Retrieved November 1, 2007.
  4. ^ "Northern Ireland passes anti-abortion motion in 'victory' for unborn children." (October 25, 2007). Catholic News Agency. Retrieved November 1, 2007.
  5. ^ "Northern Ireland Assembly passes anti abortion motion." (n.d.). ciNews. Retrieved November 1, 2007.

[edit] External links