Pre channel

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A pre channel is an IRC channel in which a bot (prebot) announces new topsite warez (pre) releases in real time. Pre channels are generally provided as a convenience to members of the scene, often in conjunction with a topsite. Pre channels are typically private.


[edit] Advantages

  • Members of a pre channel are notified about new warez releases as they are released. This is of particular benefit to couriers and release groups.
  • Pre channels commonly announce when a release is nuked or un-nuked.
  • Pre channels provide a search facility that allows users to find out if a release exists, when it was released, and if it has been nuked. This function may also be used by release groups to avoid dupes (duplicates).
  • Pre channels are also used for Topsites to measure how fast they received the release, otherwise known as the pretime.

[edit] Disadvantages

  • Pre channels are often supplied with events from other pre channels, so spam may spread quickly. Many prebots employ elaborate filters to ensure only valid release events are announced.

[edit] Access to Pre-Channels

  • Getting access to pre-channels is often very difficult for users without the knowledge to do so. A user would often have to have a connection to a scene group/scene member/site IRC network. The pre-channels are not advertised and are kept as hidden as possible.

[edit] Public Pre-Channels