Pranava-Vada of Gargyayana

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The Pranava-Vada of Gargyayana
Author Bhagavan Das
Country India
Language English
Publisher Theosophical Society, Adyar
Publication date 1910-1913

The Pranava-Vada of Gargyayana (pranava-vāda is the Sanskrit for "uttering of Pranava (AUM)") is a book by Bhagavan Das, published in three volumes in years 1910-1913 by the Theosophical Society, Adyar with notes by Annie Besant. Das alleges that the work is a "summarised translation" of an otherwise unknown "ancient text" by a sage called Gargyayana. Das states that the text was dictated to him from memory by one Pandit Dhanaraja, a theosophist friend of his who was blind in both eyes and had died before the book's publication.

[edit] Editions

  • The Science of the Sacred Word, Being a Summarised Translation of The PRANAVA-VADA of GARGYAYANA, 3 Vols., Theosophist Office (1910).

[edit] External links