Pourquoi Pas Island

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Pourquoi Pas Island (67°41′S, 67°28′W) is a mountainous island, 17 miles (27 km) long and from 5 to 11 miles (18 km) wide, lying between Bigourdan Fjord and Bourgeois Fjord off the west coast of Graham Land. It was discovered by the French Antarctic Expedition under Charcot, 1908-10. The island was charted more accurately by the British Graham Land Expedition (BGLE) under Rymill, 1934-37, who named it for Charcot's expedition ship, the Pourquoi-Pas?.

[edit] See also

This article incorporates text from Pourquoi Pas Island, in the Geographic Names Information System, operated by the United States Geological Survey, and therefore a public domain work of the United States Government.
