Posterior interventricular artery

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Artery: Posterior interventricular artery
Base and diaphragmatic surface of heart. (Posterior descending artery not visible, but it runs near the middle cardiac vein, which is labeled at the bottom.)
RCA = right coronary
AB = atrial branches
SANB = sinuatrial nodal
RMA = right marginal
LCA = left coronary
CB = circumflex branch
LAD/AIB = anterior interventricular
LMA = left marginal
PIA/PDA = posterior descending
AVN = atrioventricular nodal

SCV = small cardiac
ACV = anterior cardiac
AIV/GCV = great cardiac
MCV = middle cardiac
CS = coronary sinus
Latin ramus interventricularis posterior arteriae coronariae dextrae
Gray's subject #142 547
Supplies ventricles
interventricular septum
Source right coronary artery   
Vein middle cardiac vein
/ Elsevier

The posterior interventricular artery (PIV) (or posterior descending artery(PDA)) is typically a branch of the right coronary artery (80%, known as right dominance) which runs in the posterior interventricular sulcus to the apex of the heart where it meets with the anterior interventricular artery. Alternately, the PIV can be a branch of the circumflex coronary artery (20%, known as left dominance) which itself is a branch of the left coronary artery.

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