Portuguese profanity

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Portuguese Profanity is an assortment of words which is considered vulgar, blasphemous, inflammatory or offensive in the Portuguese language.

The most common of them –the ones universally used in the different dialects and variants of the Portuguese - originated from Latin radicals, as well from other Indo-European sources and are usually cognate with peninsular Spanish profanity.

There are also Portuguese curse words that originated from South American Amerindian or West and Central African languages; these are found in other Portuguese speaking countries than Portugal, like Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Saint Thomas and Prince, Angola or Mozambique even though some of these non-Indo-European originated ones made it to enter the peninsular Portuguese.

In case of Brazil, several neologycal curse words were borrowed not only from Ameridian or African languages but also from Italian, German or French, due to the Italian and Central-European immigration to Brazil in the late XIX century, and, paradoxally, due to the fact French used to be a lingua franca for intellectual Brazilians and Brazilian international diplomacy in the past.

Portuguese profanity is much marked by its sexist character. Words that refer to male homosexuality and female sexuality in general –and even the ones referred to the female genitalia- are the ones mostly adopted as inflammatory words while the ones that refer to heterosexual male sexuality are used as positive adjectivations. Coprological (excretion-related) terms are used either with negative and positive meaning, this difference depending only of the context in which they are used.


[edit] Shorter listing for most common and universally used Portuguese profanity

Here is a short list of the most common, and universally used, profanity Portuguese words:

[edit] Coprological

  • Cagada: derived from the verb cagar (to shit), meaning to the act of evacuate feces, or to the feces themselves quite after being evacuated. This is a curse word that will have completely different meanings depending on the context it is used. A cagada can mean either a very lousily done job (“your artwork is a cagada”) or a big strike of luck (“Man, four aces, what a cagada!”), or the well matching result of a measurement taken by guess or naked eye (“He didn’t do the structural calculation for this column, he did it in the cagada”).
  • Merda: “merda”,“mèrde” “mierda”“shit”.
  • Merdinbuca: A contraction of the expression “merda em boca” (shit on mouth), it used, during the Middle Ages, to be one of the most aggressive profanities in Portugal. It's now an archaic expression, no longer in use.

[edit] Sexist and sexual meaning

  • Filho da Puta: The son of a sexually loose woman or prostitute. Similar to the English “son of a bitch” or Spanish "hijo de puta".
  • Foder: A verb. It comes from the Latin verb foedere which means to open holes in the land to seed it. This verb acquired the meaning of “to have sexual intercourse”, being an equivalent for the English “to fuck”. It is also used in the expression “vá te foder”/”vai se foder”, which means the same as the English “fuck you”. It's cognate to the Spanish joder and the Italian fottere. In Brazil, this word is sometimes wrongly spelled “fuder”.
  • Porra: the curse word meaning esgudi. It has a sinomyn, esgudi-irmão (used mainly in 1-7ta2) and a derivate, the verb engordar (to be fat). Both relate to the English noun cum and to the verb to cum, respectively. Porra is also constantly used by Brazilians as an expletive, like the English “oh!” and “wow!” and it has an abbreviation, pô, which is not considered a profanity word. Anyway, porra, as an expletive, would still be considered less harmless than the English damn.
  • Puta: A shorter, or abbreviation, for prostitute, which comes direct from Latin. However, since the curse word puta does not refer only to prostitutes, but to sexually loose women in general (being thus an equivalent to the English word whore), it was arged that this word has a different Latin origin, being actually the past participle of the verb ponere (to put). In such case, the actual meaning for puta should be of someone who was put away, or put aside, certainly in reference to the single young females who were expelled from by their parents after losing their virginities.
  • Viado or Paneleiro: Viado, which is a misspell for veado (deer, in English, although another theory sustains that it is a contraction of "desviado", a deviant), and paneleiro, (a manufacturer of panels) are the slangs for homosexual, being the equivalents for the English fag. Both words are used in both sides of the Atlantic, being however viado more commonly used in Brazil while paneleiro is more used in Portugal and other Portuguese speaking countries.

[edit] Body parts

  • Buceta: Actually a misspell for boceta, which originally means a small leather purse or box. It's the rough name for the female genitalia in Brazil, while in Portugal the name most commonly used is Cona.
  • Bunda: One of the few African-originated Portuguese profanity words that made it to enter the slang use in the Peninsula, it refers to the whole gluteal regions, the buttocks.
  • Caralho: Cognate to the Spanish Carajo. A caralho is originally a nautical term, referring to the crow's nest in the top of the mainmast of a caravel. Since it was an ingrate job to patrol the horizon from the crow's nest, the expression “vá para o caralho” (“go to the caralho”) began being used by people to rid of an unwanted peer in an unpolite, inflammatory way. Also, caralho turned into a slang for penis as well.
  • Cu: Cognate to similar terms in other Latin languages, like the Italian and Spanish culo, it literally means anus. It is usually used as in “vá levar no cu” (Portugal) ou “vá tomar no cu” (Brazil), meaning go take up your ass.
  • Pentelho: Cognate to the Spanish Pendejo, it means pubic hair, as in the original Latin word penticulus – scientifically the name for genital follicles, which is the strict meaning of this word in the Iberian Peninsula. In Brazilian Portuguese it's also used to refer to an annoying kid or annoying young person while in Hispanic America it refers to annoying –and, obnoxious- people of any ages.
  • Saco: It literally means sack and relates to the scrotum ("nutsack"). It's majorly used as an expletive for tedious people or tedious jobs or situations, like in "Que saco!" ("What a bore!") or "Fulano is a saco!" ("Fulano bores me to death!"). In Portugal, the name most commonly user is Colhões.

[edit] Racist

  • Baiano and Paraíba: Literally, there are the toponymical words for people born in the Brazilian states of Bahia and Paraíba. Being Bahia the host region for the Portuguese colonial administration of Brazil, the word Baiano began to be identified to everything which is old-fashioned, out-of-season, outdated, out-competed or weird, as well to cultural backwardness and remnants of slavery. Used in an offensive context against dork mixed-raced Brazilians, it basically includes all the Northeastern region of Brazil, still very marked by colonial ways, in opposite to the Southeast, South and West regions of Brazil, supposed to have had a newer, and different development. Baiano is mostly used in São Paulo and in the West chunk of Brazil, while Paraíba is mainly used in Rio de Janeiro.
  • Carcamano: It is used in Brazil as a slur against white Brazilians of other ancestry than Portuguese or Spaniard, specially the Italian-descended Brazilians. This word entered the Brazilian Portuguese from the Spanish language, probably via Spaniard immigration to Brazil, and it was adopted to point out a difference between the cultured, educated Portuguese-descended white Brazilian elite and the Italian and German immigrants to Brazilian plantations, people considered to be rough, illiterate, uneducated and awkward when compared to the first group.
  • Galego: A person from Galiza, which is a region in Northwest Spain. Slur used against both Portuguese and Spaniard people.
  • Macaco: Literally, monkey. In the Southern half of Brazil, it's a slur against Black people; in Northeast Brazil, it refers to anyone whose profession demands the use of a military-like uniform (policemen, soldiers, armed-forces officers), being the term gorilla (a bigger macaco, or the macaco leader) a slur for high-patent military like Marshalls, Generals and Colonels. Highlighting this fact, gorilla was the very curse word used against the Military Dictators of Brazil from 1964 to 1985. In Portugal, macaco means Brazilian mixed-raced people; in Argentina, macacos are Brazilian people of any races. Macaco (or, “macaco-de-imitação”) has also the meaning of someone who learns things via osmosis, or via imitation.
  • Mouro (Moor): Used in North Portugal as a slur against Algarvians, Alentejans and Andalusians, as well in other Portuguese-speaking countries than Portugal as a slur against Portuguese and Spaniard people as a whole group.

[edit] Complete alphabetical listing for Portuguese profanity

The following list refers mainly to the Portuguese used in Brazil, also referred to as Brazilian Portuguese. Some of these words would not be understood in Portugal.

[edit] A

  • Aranha, f (BR) [spider] - the vulva, when it's naturally hairy.

[edit] B

  • Babaca, f/m (BR) — cunt, stupid person.
  • Bagos, m. plural [grapes] (BR) — balls; berries; bucks; drops of sweat.
  • Barca da Cantareira, f [the old ferry boat between Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi] (BR) — bisexual. Perhaps because that ferry boat had two noses and could be driven in both directions.
  • Barraco, (BR) m — an unelegant scene, an unexpected, embarrassing verbal fight taking place on an important public event. "The King of Spain and the President of Venezuela had a barraco at the Ibero-American meeting".
  • Barro, m [clay] (BR) — same as clay but it's also a synonym for shit.
  • Benfica, (Estar com o), noun (PT) - Menstruation, "Estou com o Benfica" = I'm having my period [from the portuguese football club Benfica and their notoriously blood red training gear]
  • Bicha, m (BR) animal female or bowel parasite — gay, fag. In Portugal, bicha means just a number of people waiting in line for a service or to enter some place.
  • Bimbada, fuck, shag, from "bimbar", "dar uma bimbada" - to have sex with someone, to penetrate someone.
  • Boceta, f [small leather purse or box] (PT) - cunt, pussy.
  • Boga, (PT), f - anus.
  • Boiola or Boyola, m (BR) - queer, faggot.
  • Bolas, f. plural [balls] — testicles.
  • Boquete (BR) - the act of oral sex.
  • Bosta, f. - in Portugal, it's used to refer to animal fecal matter. In Brazil, it may mean unpleasant situation or thing "Isso é uma bosta!"(This is crap!), worthless person "O senhor é um bosta!"(You are an idiot!) or even fecal matter itself, "O toalete está cheio de bosta"(The toilet is filled with crap). The word is similar to the english "crap".
  • Brizola, (BR) noun — [Coke]- Cocaine; "estar com uma(s) brizola(s) na cabeça", to experience a sort of mental or emotional confusion that makes one unable to think rationally or to take some important action (just as it happens to one under effect of drug).
  • Broche, (PT) blow job.
  • Bronha, (BR) male masturbation, "tocar uma bronha".
  • Broxar, (BR) when a male loses stiffness in the penis, or when a female loses lubrication in the vagina.
  • Bunda, f (BR) — The whole gluteal region, buttocks.
  • Buceta, f (BR) - cunt, pussy. Misspell for boceta.

[edit] C

  • Cabaço, m - hymen. Tirar o cabaço, to take a woman's virginity.
  • Cabrão / Cabrona, m/f - Bastard, Scumbag.
  • Caceta, f — the penis.
  • Cacete, m — the penis.
  • Cafajeste, m/f - scumbag.
  • Cafetão, m - pimp, also "caften" and the feminine "cafetina".
  • Cagada, f — a failure, a bad job, a disaster, a lot of shit ("O casamento de Pat foi uma cagada" = Pat's marriage was a disaster); a very lucky strike ("Que cagada!" - What a luck!).
  • Cagado/a, adj — shitted on; humiliated; lucky. Easy ("O teste foi cagado" - The test was too easy).
  • Cagar, v [to shit] — to defecate; to botch a job; to do badly; to don't care about.
  • Cagança adj (Pt) - sense of superiority.
  • Cagativo adj - easy, piece of cake "Fazer aquilo é cagativo" = To do that is a piece of cake.
  • Calhorda, m/f - scumbag; a traitor.
  • Canalha, m/f [from the Italian "canaglia", a bunch of dogs] - scumbag.
  • Carcamano, m (Br) - racial slur for Brazilian-born Caucasians other than Portuguese or Spaniard offspring; an illiterate, ignorant, rude white person of Italian or Central-European origins, in opposition to the Portuguese-Brazilians considered to be the elite of that country.
  • Caralho, m [penis] — dick, prick Also used as an expletive ("Caralho, bati o carro" = Oh, fuck, I crashed the car); Casa do caralho, a very remote place.
  • Caramba!, Caraças!, Expletive — used when "caralho" is thought to be too strong. Also used in the expressions "para caramba!" and "para caracas!" = "para caralho" = a great deal, much too much.
  • Casseta, f - misspell for Caceta.
  • Chico in the expression: "até o chico vir debaixo" = for a long time; period.
  • Chifre, m [horn] — what a cuckold is supposed to sport.
  • Chifrudo/a, m/f — a cuckold man/woman. See Corno.
  • Choto, m — same as caralho, pica.
  • Chupada, f [a sucking] — to suck lips or a sex organ.
  • Chupar, v [to suck] — to practice oral sex.
  • Chuparinho, f [sucker] (PT) — addicted to cunnilingus.
  • Chupisco, f [a sucking] — to suck a sex organ.
  • Coco, m/f [coconut] (PT) — prostitute; bimbo.
  • Cocô, m — poo, shit [baby talk)]; a disappointing situation (as in "que cocô!", how disappoint!).
  • Cocô, fazer, — to poo, to shit.
  • Coisa, f/m [thing] — sexual organ (usually female) — "Seu coisa" = John Doe.
  • Coisinha, f [little thing] — vulva, pussy.
  • Coiso, m [thing] - male sexual organ.
  • Colhão, m [testicle] — ball; courage, valor; chutzpah.
  • Colhões, m plural [testicles] — in expressions signifying manliness, leadership, extreme courage. Even in sentences such as "Margarida é uma mulher de colhão/colhões" = Margarida is a lady with balls. Also used negatively: "Esse calhorda nao tem colhões" = This scoundrel's got no balls, no shame, no stand, no backbone.
  • Comer, v [to eat] — to sexually pursue and have sex with (a man about a woman or a heterosexual man about a homosexual one).
  • Comida, f/m [eaten] — easy woman; bimbo; prostitute (also applicable to males).
  • Cona, f [cunt] (PT) — vagina; female genital (vernacular terms).
  • Corno, m [horn] - A husband who is cheated by his wife.
  • Corrimento, m [flow] — flow of menses; clap secretion.
  • Crápula, m/f scumbag.
  • Cricri, m/f — "the crab's crab"; greatly insufferable person.
  • Cripentolha, m/f (PT) — the very tops in insufferability.
  • Cu, m [anus] — asshole; an unpleasant person, site, event, or act.
  • Cu, pôr no — see Bunda.
  • Cu, tomar no, levar no — see Bunda, same as fuck on asshole.
  • Cuma, someone from countryside who is either uninteligent and ignorant.
  • Curra, f (PT BR archaic) — a forcible group sex act, rape (the victim may be either male or female).
  • Currar, v (PT BR archaic) — to commit "curra".
  • Currada/o, f/m (PT BR archaic) — the victim of a curra.
  • Cuzão, augmentative of "cu"; loser, bastard, retarded, ignorant ("Sai daqui seu cuzão!" = get outta here, you asswipe).

[edit] D

  • Dar, v [to give] — to yield to a sex call.
  • Deflorar, Desflorar, v [to deflower] (PT BR archaic) — to take a woman's virginity.
  • Descabaçar, v — same as deflorar.
  • Desgraça, f — it's a religion profanity, which means ungrace ('des' is a negation and 'graça' means grace).

[edit] E

  • Enchedor de saco, coll [bag filler] — irritating person.
  • Encher, v [to fill] — to annoy; hassle; importune.
  • Enchimento, m [padding] — the action of "encher" (q.v.).
  • Encrenca, f (Br) - a bug, an unexpected trouble, an unsolved argument, something that gets a machine or a relationship out of order, as in "este carro está com uma encrenca", this car got a trouble, or as in "eu estou com uma encrenca com meu amigo", I got into an argument/misunderstanding with my friend. This word comes from the German expression "Ein Krank", a disease.
  • Enrabar, v [to sodomize] — to have anal sex with; to destroy a person, a company, an entity financially/morally/ professionally.
  • Entesar, v [to stiffen] — to have a hard- on; to have "tesão" (q.v.); to reprimand someone; to tease endlessly.
  • Entrar, v [to enter] — to penetrate sexually.
  • Entrar em, v [to enter] — to penetrate sexually.
  • Escrota, f [ugly woman] - hard going woman - (Brazil, state of Espírito Santo) prostitute.
  • Evacuar, v [to evacuate] — to take a shit.

[edit] F

  • Fazer, v [to make, to do] gets profanity connotation when used togheter with profanity words, in expressions such "fazer minette", "fazer xixi" "fazer cocô" etc. São Paulo streetwalkers use to entice customers with the call "vam' fazer neném?" = Shall we make a baby?
  • Filha da Puta, m and f - child of a bitch or child of a whore; also used as an intensifier: "O Senhor Germano é um industrial filha da puta" = Sr. Germano is a tremendous industrial.
  • Filho de um arronque or Filho de um marronque, m (Brazil, north) - a traitor, an unreliable person, a person with no honor and no character. It's possible the word "arronque" or "marronque" is a variation of "marrano" which was the name given in Portugal to Sepharadic Jews, Berbers and Arabs.
  • Fiofó, m (BR) — anus.
  • Foca, m (PT) - pussy ; vagina.
  • Foda, f [a fuck] — the sex act; intercourse; a problem; ("Este garoto é foda" = This boy is a problem); bad; cool; good; ("Ele é foda no que faz" = He is good in his job); happening ("A viagem a Nova Iorque foi foda" = The trip to New York was a bust/good); bad premonition ("Se meu time perder é foda" = If my team loses, it is a disaster.
  • Foda-se! = [Fuck it!] (PT) - Expression of profound disliking or discontent for a given situation, or disregard for the consequences of a given action ("Foda-se, vou comprar" = "Fuck it, I'm buying it").
  • Fodedor/a, m/f — a person with the reputation of a sexual athlete. Also somebody who teases a lot.
  • Foder, v [to fuck] — to have intercourse; to defeat ("Precisamos foder os cor-de-rosa" = We must defeat the Pinkies); to ruin ("O patrão está querendo foder a gente" = The boss is trying to fuck us); | have sex ("Vamos foder" = Let's have sex (north Brazil)).
  • Foder-se, v [to fuck oneself] — practically the connotations as in English.
  • Fodido/a, m/f [fucked] — defeated, sick, depressed, junked ("tou todo fodido" = I'm all fucked up or I'm high or drunk).
  • Fresco [fresh, raw, cool] - faggot or homosexual ("esse cara é um fresco = This guy is a fag).

[edit] G

  • Gala, (Pt) Sperm.
  • Galinha, m/f [hen] — oversexed or promiscuous.
  • Garanhão, m [stallion] — stud.
  • Gilete, m/f — bisexual.
  • Gloques, m (Br) - a large amount of dirty, rotten or rusted manufactured or industrialised waste; a dump. To send something "aos gloques!" would translate as "dump this crap!", also used to refer to machines or apparatuses that are supposed to be of low quality. "Dois mil reais por esta televisão? Aos gloques!" ("A thousand dollars for this TV set? Dump it!"). One of those rare profanity words which is not related to body parts, body excretions or ethnicity.
  • Gravação, f [Record] (BR São Paulo/West) — to practice oral sex.
  • Grelo, m — clitoris.

[edit] I

  • Irra (Pt) - damn.

[edit] J

  • Jeba (Pt) - an out-of-pattern penis; a very large or a deformed one; a Black man's penis.

[edit] M

  • Machão, m — very macho
  • Machona, f [virago] — lesbian.
  • Machuda, f [virago] — also lesbian.
  • Mãe, f [mother] — often used offensively to imply or attribute immoral actions to the mother of the person one is.
  • Mala, f/m (BR) [luggage] - a person who is an annoyance, a clumsy, awkward or hyper-sensitive friend, someone who is difficult to deal with.
  • Mané, m — a clumsy fellow; an awkward lover.
  • Manzapo, Marsápio, m (PT) — penis.
  • Marmita, f [marmite] (PT) — a train, subway, bus or streetcar patronized by many streetwalkers; arse, "Levar na marmita" = To take (it) up the arse.
  • Marica, maricas, m/f — an effeminate man, though not necessarily a homosexual one (Sp. Maricon); a coward e.g. "não sejas maricas" = don't be a pussy.
  • Mata, f [bush] (PT) — a thick pubic hair grow.
  • Merda, f/m [shit] — excrement, shit ("Fulano é um merda" = So and so is a worthless person).
  • Merda, vá à — piss off!
  • Merdoso/a, adj — shitty; a pimp, coward man who easily shits his pants when faced to distressful situations; perhaps merdoso is a combination of the words merda (shit) and medroso (coward).
  • Meter, v - to fuck someone in a raw way. Make rough sex. See Transa.
  • Mijar, v — to pee, to urinate.
  • Minette or minete (PT), m [cunnilingus] oral sex on female.
  • Mingau, m [goo, goop] — sperm.

[edit] N

  • Nhanha, (PT) f - sperm ("Ele encheu-lhe a cara de nhanha!" = He painted her face with the white fluid of love).

[edit] O

  • Obrar, (PT) v — to take a shit.
  • Ovos, m plural [eggs] — testicles.
  • Odete, f singular [noun](south BR) — the same as "bicha". Fag. Gay. Only useble to adjetivate men.

[edit] P

  • Paca, adv — [contraction for "pra caralho"] — very much, a great deal, much too much ("O Silva ganhou dinheiro paca" = Silva made oodles of money).
  • Pajoão, Paijoão, m (BR southwest) - a very ingenuous and perhaps mentally-challenged person.
  • Panasca (PT) m - male homosexual [offensive].
  • Paneleiro (PT) m - male homosexual [offensive].
  • Paquete, m [monthly ship] (PT) — "estar com o paquete", to be on the rag (menstruation).
  • Pau, m [stick, wood] — penis, prick, dick.
  • Pau, falar ao", v (PT) - to attract; to draw attention.
  • Pau-no-cu, [penis stucken in the ass] loser.
  • Pecunhaba f (PT) - Round ass.
  • Pedê, m — a pederast.
  • Peitos, m [plural for chest] - boobs, tits. Peitão - big boobs. Peituda - large-breasted woman.
  • Pela Saco, m - ass kisser, doormat.
  • Pensão, f [small hotel] — a sarcastic description for brothel or whorehouse.
  • Peripatética, f (PT) — street walker.
  • Pentelheira, f (PT) - pubic area, bush.
  • Pentelho (or pintelho), m — a (single) pubic hair ; extra insufferable person; "super chato" gen. "asshole".
  • Peroba, m — faggot, gay, homosexual man. The "o" in this word is spelled like the ditongue in the English world goal.
  • Pica, f — penis, dick.
  • Piça, pissa or picha , f (BR west) — same as pica.
  • Pinto, m (BR) - the most used slang for penis.
  • Piriquita (BR) m - vulva.
  • Piroca, m/f [bald] — same as pica, in reference to the gland of the penis (hairless, bald).
  • Pirocudo — a man who has a big penis, or a man who is attractive in a sexual way.
  • Pogobol mental, m (BR) - mental masturbation; or, an obsession that affects one's ability to think rationally.
  • Porra, m/f — [club, truncheon) sperm; unworthy person; unpleasant situation or thing ("Tony não passa de um porra" = Tony is nothing but a good for nothing); unidentified object or undefined thing ("Que porra é essa?" = What the fuck is this?).
  • Porra louca, coll [literally crazy sperm) (BR) — crazy, space cadet, loony.
  • Priquita, (BR) f - vulva.
  • Priquito, (BR) m - vulva.
  • Punheta, f - male masturbation (from punho=fist) "Dar à punheta" = To wank = "Bater uma punheta".
  • Punheteiro, m (BR) - wanker
  • Puta, f [whore] — prostitute or sexually loose woman. Also used in the sense of big or brutal "Ontem caiu uma puta chuva" = We had a heavy rain yesterday.
  • Putamerda, (BR) — O, big shit!, Holy Shit!
  • Putanheiro, (BR) - A man who got used to having sex with whores in a regular basis and doesn't care about getting a steady girlfriend of a wife.
  • Puta que o pariu, (BR) - Holy Shit!, God Damn it! Oh, fuck!; a very far place, as in "vá para a puta que o pariu", go to hell or go the end of the world.
  • Puteiro (BR) - Whore's house.
  • Putz, (BR) - Oh, crap!
  • PutzGrila, (BR) - Holy cow!

[edit] Q

  • Queca, f (BR north) - sexual act; "dar uma ~", (to give a ~)- to have a shag, to have sex.
  • Quenga, f (BR north) — prostitute, whore.
  • Quermesse, f [charitable festival on Catholic Churches] — high-class group sex.

[edit] R

  • Rabo, m [tail] — Rectum, butt or tail [usually not regarded as slang but may be used as such, informal but acceptable word]. It has a higher offensive character in Brazil than in Portugal.
  • Rameira, f (PT) — prostitute, whore
  • Rapariga, f (BR) — prostitute, whore. Note: In Portugal, this word is a common noun, not offensive, and means "girl", "young woman".
  • Rapariga, filho de, f (BR) — son of a prostitute.
  • Rapidinha, f — a quickie (sexual act).
  • Rata, f (PT) — a vulva; f (BR) - a mistake that can ruin one's reputation, or to get a worker fired.
  • Ricardo, Ricardão, m — male lover of an unfaithful wife, implicitly having more attractiveness/sexual performance than the betrayed husband but not in a positive way for a male; a guy who is not minding to do in bed what the woman's husband wouldn't. Cognate to the Spanish (Chile) Pata Negra.
  • Rola, penis. The "o" is pronounced like the ditongue in the English word goal.
  • Rosqueirada, f (PT) — sexual act ; ("Dar uma rosqueirada" = "To have a shag".

[edit] S

  • Sabão, m [soap] — lesbian intercourse; (elas estão fazendo sabão! = they are fucking!).
  • Sacana, n/f — scoundrel, unreliable sexually; given to sex deviations; immoral; bastard; nasty; sexually filthy.
  • Sacanear, (BR) v — to tease maliciously; to importune
  • Saco, m [bag] — scrotum; 'encher o saco' (BR) - a bore, or to bore; "saco!", damn!; "isto é um saco", it sucks; "você é um saco", you're boring/obnoxious!
  • Safado/a, m/f — smarty, shameless (a bit milder than sacana); nasty.
  • Sangalho, m (PT, BR north) — penis.
  • Sapatão, m/f [big shoe] — lesbian, dike, butch.
  • Sapatinha, f — a young lesbian or bisexual.
  • Siririca, f — female masturbation.
  • Suruba,(BR) f — multiple sex party, orgy, gangbang.

[edit] T

  • Tabacudo, (BR North) m - loser, ingenuine person, ignorant.
  • Tara, [flaw] f — sexual obsession/ nasty fetiche/ dirty perversion/ sexual crime/ an obsession with something (e.g. "Uma tara por sexo" = obsessed with sex).
  • Tarado/a, m/f - sex maniac; pedophile, addicted to sex. Also excessively fond of ("Sou tarado por manga" = I am crazy for mangoes) May be applied to persons, animals, sports, hobbies, etc.
  • Tarraqueta, f (BR) — This word, which means either vagina or anus (depeding on the gender of the person) is a word used to describe a situation where the subject is cheated on a material or financial issue: "He took up in the tarraqueta", he was cheated in a big money by his partner, he was stolen, he was fired from his job etc.
  • Tesão, m/f — hard-on, excitement, attraction for. Use: "Estou com tesao" = I'm Horny. Also in expressions such as: "Não tenho tesão para meu emprego" ("I don't particularly like my job"); "Viagem noturna de ônibus não me dá tesão" ("I have no pleasure in riding an overnight bus"). Or: "Surfar em Ipanema é um tesão só" ("To surf in Ipanema is a high pleasure").
  • Teta, f (PT) - Boob; same as peito.
  • Toba, (upstate São Paulo, West Brazil) - Anus.
  • Tobaco, (PT) - Vagina, cunt.
  • Transa, f (BR) — a sexual act.
  • Transar, v (BR) — to perform a sexual act. See Trepar.
  • Transinha, f (BR) — same as Rapidinha.
  • Trepada, f (BR) — a sexual act.
  • Trepar, v (BR) — to perform a sexual act. Note: neither transar nor trepar have the same dark negative meanings of foder (to fuck).
  • Tricô e crochê - coll [knit and crochet] — to practice alternatively vaginal and anal sex in the same session. These words, originally tricot and crochet, entered the Portuguese language from French.
  • Trombada, f (PT) — to practice cunnilingus. It is used when the action is not really desired, but needed to please the partner. Use in the expression "Mais vale uma trombada que uma trombose" ("better to go down with my face then to die of heart attack").
  • Trottoir - street walker. This word entered the Portuguese language from French.

[edit] V

  • Vaca, f [cow] — an unreliable woman, a bitch, perhaps a whore ("Aquela vaca tomou toda minha grana" = "That bitch took all my money").
  • Vai-vem coll [comes/goes] — in such sentences as "Eles estavam fazendo vai-vem" = They were doing push-pull; "Nós dois estávamos num vai-vém ferrado" = The two of us were on a robust push-pull.
  • Veado, m [deer] (BR) — usually misspelled as viado — faggot, gay, a homosexual male.
  • Velcro, m [velcro] (BR) — lesbian sex, tribadism.
  • Vergonhas, f plural (PT BR archaic) - the private parts, the shameful body parts, the sexual organs, same as "partes pudendas", "partes pudendas", "partes privadas" or "partes íntimas".

[edit] X

  • Xana, f [pussycat] (BR, southeast) - pussy, vagina.
  • Xaninha, f [female kitty, little pussycat] (BR, southeast) - pussy, vagina.
  • Xavasca, f - pussy, vagina.
  • Xeca, f - pussy, vagina.
  • Xereca, f - pussy, vagina.
  • Xexeca, f - pussy, vagina (less vulgar than xoxota).
  • Xoxolteiro, m [a fusion of the words xoxota (vagina) and solteiro (single male/ bachelor)] - a single male who loves heterosexual promiscuity.
  • Xota, f - pussy, vagina.
  • Xoxota, f - pussy, vagina.
  • Xoxoteira, f - a lesbian who loves pussy and promiscuity.
  • Xoxoteiro, m - a heterosexual male who loves pussy and sexual promiscuity.