Portuguese-Spanish relations

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Portuguese-Spanish relations
Flag of Portugal   Flag of Spain
     Portugal      Spain


[edit] Present

Relations between Portugal and Spain are good. They cooperate in the fight against drug trafficking and tackling forest fires (common in the Iberian Peninsula in summers), for example. These close relations are facilitated by similar governments: the government of conservative Spanish PM José María Aznar coincided with the government of also conservative José Manuel Durão Barroso in Portugal; today, both José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero of Spain and José Sócrates of Portugal are socialists.

[edit] Territorial Disputes

- The town, and surrounding area of Olivença, including the municipality of Táliga.

- The Portugaliza state (union of the autonomous region of Galiza and the Eonavian region with Portugal).

- Several towns and "vilas" near the portuguese border that are largely influenced by Portuguese culture and language, such as, Cedillo, Valverde del Fresno, Eljas, San Martín de Trevejo, Herrera de Alcántara, La Bouza, La Alamedilla, Hermisende, Santiago de Alcántara, La Fontanera, El Pino, Jola, La Codosera, and the "Couto Misto".

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Grupo de Amigos de Olivença