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Porteño is used to refer to a person who lives in a port city, but it can also be used as an adjective for anything related to these port cities. It is usually used with the port city of Buenos Aires, where porteño has come to be the name of the people of Buenos Aires and originated in the end of the 19th century.

The porteño of Buenos Aires self identifies himself with the City-Port, not only with respect to the geographic position but also as a unique identity distinct from the rest of Argentina, and only comparable to the inhabitants of the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo. Probably, the ethnic composition of the porteño, European with a strong influence of Italian and Jewish, created a biotype particular to inside Argentina, containing characteristics specific to the area of the Rio de la Plata and the general culture of the country. The porteño is typically considered an extroverted and vibrant person who boasts of the merits of his culture and is on the forefront of the latest trends. If Buenos Aires is far from the other capitals of the world, both in respect to distance and advances, then it is certainly true that the porteños dress in a traditional way. The use of casual shoes for porteños over 50 is rare and they usually prefer shirts and pants to jeans and T-shirts. Internal immigration and immigration from neighboring countries has distorted this stereotype of the City.

[edit] See also