Pomorze Army

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The Pomeranian Army (Polish: Armia Pomorze) was one of the Polish armies to take part in the Polish Defensive War of 1939. It was officially created on March 23, 1939. Led by Gen.dyw. Władysław Bortnowski, it consisted of 5 infantry divisions, 2 National Defence brigades and 1 cavalry brigade.


[edit] Tasks

Forces as of 31 August and German plan of attack.
Forces as of 31 August and German plan of attack.
Forces as of 14 September with troop movements up to this date.
Forces as of 14 September with troop movements up to this date.
Forces after 14 September with troop movements after this date
Forces after 14 September with troop movements after this date

The Army was tasked to defend Toruń and Bydgoszcz from a possible German attack and to carry out delaying actions in the "Polish Corridor" area.

[edit] Operational history

The Army was mostly destroyed during the Battle of Tuchola Forest; losing about a third of its strength. In retreat towards Warsaw since September 6th, it subordinated itself to Army Poznań and took part in the battle of Bzura (September 9th-20th).

[edit] Organization

The Army was commanded by general Władysław Bortnowski; his chief of staff was colonel I. Izdebski.

Pomorze Army Unit Polish name Commander Remarks
  Army units - gen. Władysław Bortnowski
9th Infantry Division 9 Dywizja Piechoty płk. Józef Werobej
15th Infantry Division 15 Dywizja Piechoty gen. Wacław Przyjałkowski Greater Polish
27th Infantry Division 27 Dywizja Piechoty gen.bryg. Juliusz Drapella
Pomeranian National Defence Brigade Pomorska Brygada Obrony Narodowej
Chełm National Defence Brigade Chełmska Brygada Obrony Narodowej
  Operational Group "East" - gen. Mikołaj Bołtuć
4th Infantry Division 4 Dywizja Piechoty płk. Rawicz-Mysłowski, płk. Józef Werobej
16th Infantry Division 16 Dywizja Piechoty płk. Zygmunt Szyszko-Bohusz Pomeranian
  Operational Group "Czersk" - gen.bryg. Stanisław Grzmot-Skotnicki
Pomeranian Cavalry Brigade Pomorska Brygada Kawalerii gen.bryg. Stanisław Grzmot-Skotnicki
Independent Units Chojnice and Kościerzyna Oddziały Wydzielone "Chojnice" i "Kościerzyna"

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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