Pomeranian (Western) Balts

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The Pomeranian (Western) Balts were tribes of Balts who lived between the Jutland peninsula in the west and the Vistula river in the east. They were partly pushed, assimilated, and surrounded by Germanic tribes advancing to the east from 1500 BC to the 1st century AD. When the Germanic tribes left this territory in the 1st to 5th centuries AD during the Migration Period, some Pomeranian Balts remained behind. These tribes integrated with Slavic tribes (arrived to Pomerania in the 6th century AD), forming Kashubians and other Pomeranian groups.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Marija Gimbutas' "The Balts" e-book
  • Stanislovas Tarvydas. Indoeuropiečiai. Vilnius, 1970 (Lithuanian)
  • Schall, Hermann (1962). Baltische Sprachreste zwischen Elbe und Weichsel. - Forschungen und Fortschritte, 1962, Bd. 36, Nr 2, S. 56 - 60. (German)
  • Schall, Hermann (1963). Die baltisch - slawische Sprachgemeinschaft zwischen Elbe und Weichsel. W: VII International Kongress fur Namenforschung. Akten und Memoiren, 2, Florenz 1963, S. 385 - 404. (German)
  • Schall, Hermann (1966). Baltische Gewassernamen im Flussystem 'Obere Havel' (Sudost Mecklenburg). Baltistica, 1/2, 1966, S. 7 - 42. (German)
  • Schall, Hermann (1970). Preussische Namen langs der Weichsel (Nach Lucas David, ca. 1580) in Velta Ruke-Dravina, ed., Donum Balticum to Prof. Chr. S. Stang, Stockholm, 1970, S. 448 - 464. (German)
  • Map (Lithuanian)