Pomade Ring villains

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This is a list of villains in the anime/manga, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, that reside in the Pomade Ring.


[edit] Background

The first and weakest of Tsurulina the Fourth's Four Heavenly Kings (though he was the only one to be equal to Bobobo's strength before the World of Babylon training) , Captain Battleship appears to be the most loyal and obedient of the Maruhage forces, fighting against threats to his reign such as Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo and Gasser. However, outside the exterior of a Hair Hunter is an enigmatic man: one part nose hair manipulator, one part Wiggin, and completely against anyone who gets in the way of his own ambitions. Twisted by his childhood in the Hair Kingdom (of which he was not a citizen), Battleship fights against the enemies of the Maruhage Empire...while subsequently fighting against the Maruhage as well, believing that they get in the way of his ultimate ambitions of ruling an empire of his own! And yet even with all of his battles and desires, his ultimate obstacle is Bo-bobo, his self proclaimed greatest rival. With Bo-bobo both a former friend and an enemy against the Maruhage Empire in his own right, his battles become personal as he tries to defeat him not for the empire's desires...but for his own pride.

Because Captain Battleship is technically a Maruhage warrior, he has been provided the resources of the empire to help him on his own battles. His main headquarters is the Pomade Ring, a massive floating ring fortress he can transport towards anywhere in the world where he wishes to fight. Because of recent activities in crushing rebels in Gasser's hometown of Puppu City, the Pomade Ring is mostly seen floating above that area keeping watch on the former battleground. Within the fortress, Battleship is found leading a massive militia of warriors, including a loyal female vice-leader, his own personal army who fight for him and maintain the Pomade Ring as well as two monstrous assassins who go after rebels of the empire at his command. Battleship's most loyal warriors, though, are The Battleship Five Quartet, a squadron of five (sort of) warriors kept masked until the moment they enter battle, upon which they reveal some of the strangest and more powerful warriors in the empire.

[edit] Leader

[edit] Captain Battleship

Captain Batleship (軍艦, Gunkan in the original Japanese version) is the first of the Chrome Dome Empire Big Four, under Czar Baldy-Bald. He is also Bo-bobo's former friend and sworn rival. This regent-haired, white bearded fighter had also been trained in the Fist of the Nose Hair alongside Bo-bobo in the Kingdom of Hair, but turned against his afro-haired friend when Bo-bobo was chosen as the Seventh Master of the Fist of the Nose Hair by their teacher (a juice can). Bo-bobo was chosen over Battleship because Captain Battleship was not a citizen of the Hair Kingdom. Captain Battleship controls his vast military forces from the "Pomade Ring", a sky fortress flying over the destroyed Puppu City (Gasser's hometown). He uses his own style of "Fist of the Nosehair" as well as fights with weird antics, similarly to Bo-bobo. While most of the attacks are his own, his ultimate attack, "Armaggedon", has him calling up the Earth Defense Forces to attack for him. He finally falls after trying to apologize to Bo-bobo for abandoning his friend for his own personal gains, only to face Bo-bobo's anger for acting like a baby. The next time Bobobo and company saw him, he was being punished for his failure by Over. He was the first one to discover Beauty and Gasser's feelings for each other, and taunts and exploits Gasser due to it. He participated in the new emperor playoffs but lost and, thanks to Bobobo, barely escaped death. It seems that he is the longest lasting of the Chrome Dome Big Four. As a Fist of Nosehair user, he is bound to be a little weird (turning into an octopus, blowing up his own ship, have a bad knowledge of numbers.) Like Bobobo, he is 27 years old. He inexplicably makes an appearance with the main characters in both the first opening and ending sequence of the anime.

[edit] Background

Battleship was the oldest son of an average family, born in the Hair Kingdom. When he met Bobobo for the first time, he trained hard in the Fist of the Nose Hair to be acknowledged. Battleship wanted to be acknowledged because he wanted to have a purpose in his life. Unfortunately, Bobobo was unfairly chosen by his master as the Seventh Master of the Fist of the Nose Hair because he was a Hair Kingdom descendant, though he did not have any actual skills (he was more timid and inexperienced). Battleship's pride was crushed so he decided to punish the Hair Kingdom. He didn't do anything when the kingdom was attacked, and was glad it was destroyed. Bobobo and Battleship ended their friendship due to this.

Battleship, still angry at the Hair Kingdom, joined the empire to become its very enemy: a Hair Hunter. As Bobobo trained for 20 years to get strong, Battleship worked his way up till he was a Heavenly King. The Czar may have respected him, but Battleship wanted more. To that end, he secretly plotted with his minions to control the government. During those years he met Suzu, a blonde psychic who would be his second in command and destroyed countless villages. After 20 years, Bobobo meets Battleship while fighting the remaining Fist of Nose Hair users and does not recognize him. Battleship had changed completely from the black haired boy who looked like Softon to a large man with a white beard and a ridicously large ducktail hairstyle. The two of them fought their battle using the Fist of the Nose Hair, ending in a draw. Battleship later befriends a Flower Man who was soon killed by the Flower Demons. Angry at this, he kills all of the Flower Demons' assassins, and is currently on the Flower Demon King hit list. Recently, he took an interest in Gasser. He had become a leader of a massive army of powerful warriors, still awaiting Bobobo to finally pay him back for taking what he rightfully deserves.

Batleship uses the fourth greatest power in the Empire, the Personalized Fist of the Nosehair. (The stronger ones are Fist of Ultimately Evil Sword, Fist of Gorgeousness, and Fist of Object D'Art, controlled by OVER, Halekulani and Giga respectively.) Though it may be a slight copy of Bobobo's Fist of Nosehair, it is indeed powerful enough to wipe out enemies easily. Battleship mastered this art so that even his ducktail hair style can be used as a weapon. He has also mastered a Fist that allows control over the Earth Defense to destroy his enemies. Like Bobobo he can also fuse with his allies, but it results in an absolutely pathetic form. Still, Bobobo and company had to train in Babylon to defeat him.

Battleship is sinister, as he exploits Gasser's weakness for Beauty, and he destroys countless towns and his own fellow Hair Hunters. He gets a bit emotional prior to his defeat, and doesn't get to say anything after the Pomade Ring Arc. It is later revealed that he has a button inside of him that makes his hair become really long, as Bobobo and company use it to get to Hydrate during the Reverse Maruhage Empire Arc.

  • Attacks:
    • Personalized Fist of the Nosehair - Battleship's version of Fist of the Nosehair.
    • Rooty-Tooty Snot-Fo-Yu: Welcome to Bony Island - Battleship's nosehair suck the energy of whatever their attached to until there is nothing left, but the bones. Used against Bobobo.
    • Rooty-Tooty Snot-Fo-Yu: Ducktail Attack - Battleship ties up his opponent's limbs with his nosehair before extending his ducktail to slam into them like a battering ram.
    • Captain Battleship Fusion: Having stolen the Don Patch sword (a green onion), Battleship fuses with it to become...a talking sushi roll with diced green onion on top.
    • Armageddon - Battleship phones in a hit on the opponent.
  • Episode appearances: 5 (shadow), 10(camaeo) 16-21, 31-32, 35, 75-76
  • Manga appearances: 179, 196-196.5
  • Voice actor: Paul St. Peter
  • Seiyū: Ryūzaburō Ōtomo

[edit] Battleship Five Quartet

Gunkan's Five Great Warriors (軍艦5人衆 Gunkan Go-Ninshū): The five elite warriors of Gunkan's forces (who occasionally number in six), all of them remain hidden under cloaks and masks until the moment each one goes into battle. When Bo-bobo's team infiltrate the Pomade Ring, they must fight each one one-on-one based on the warp panel chosen (though Gasser almost fights all six at once at one point). Though only two of them lost (only one lost in the manga); they overpowered the rest of the team by stupidity (Loincloth Lylod), obvious size difference (Tough Looking Guy), and better to eat (Gum). Like Bobobo, his elite are a bunch of utterly random characters that just happen to appear in the series (for example, a piece of gum, an insanely large man, a calendar, a torn page of a calendar, a muscular man with a cat head, and a Kinnikuman like boy with a loincloth). Among the members are:

[edit] Loincloth Lloyd

Fundoshitarou (ふんどし太郎 Fundoshitarō): The first of the B5Q, this boy of sumo-appearance was actually once Gasser's sempai who fights with his "fundoshi" (the loincloth that sumo wrestlers wear). The abilities of the "fundoshi" consequently negate any usage of Gasser's own "Fist of the Back Wind"! It's unknown why Loincloth Lloyd joined with Commander Battleship and we never see him again through out the series. His appearance is probably based on Kinnikuman as with his big lips, nostrils without a visible nose, large green eyes, and is as nuts as the rest of the weird characters.

  • Episode appearances: 17, 19
  • Attacks:
    • Loincloth Helicopter: Lloyd's loincloth spins like a helicopter. Used against Captain Battleship's soldiers.
    • Red Loincloth Festival: Lloyd jumps into the air and lashes at his opponent with his loincloth several times before landing.
    • Red Loincloth Typhoon: Lloyd spins his loincloth like a fan, slicing anyone who gets too close to him. This can also be used to blow away gas-based attacks.
  • Voice Actor: Anthony Pulcini

[edit] Calendar

(カレンダー Karendā): A calendar with a scar on his right eye. Appearing to be the second of the B5Q, Bo-bobo easily takes it apart by ripping off its pages sequentially. Calendar and Bobobo had a wigging time together (being biker punks, commanding a ship, and quit the show) before it goes to sleep (it died in the original Japanese version).

  • Episode appearances: 19

[edit] June 7th

(6月7日 Rokugatsu Nanoka): The son of Calendar and the real second B5Q (though he could be the third), this calendar page is forced to take a trip into Bo-bobo World where it goes insane due to the crazy antics of this world. In the dub, he has an Austrian accent.

[edit] Tough-Looking Guy

(強そうな人 Tsuyosou Na Hito): The third (or fourth) B5Q, a really muscular appearing guy who beats up Don Patch in 4.5 seconds.

  • Episode appearances: 20

[edit] (Yogurt-Flavored) Gum

(ガム Gamu): The fourth (or fifth) B5Q and Jelly Jiggler's opponent, it is what it is: a stick of yogurt gum lying on the ground. The real test was what would a dog eat? Jelly Jiggler or yogurt gum. The dog eats it, not only is it gone forever, but it takes the victory in the battle! After the Pomade Ring collapsed, the dog returns to take a lick of Jelly Jiggler, who lies underneath the debris and dislikes the taste of him.

  • Episode appearances: 20

[edit] Death Mask

(デスマスク Desumasuku): The final of Gunkan's B5Q, he ends up following Bo-bobo, Don Patch and Beauty into the enigmatic "Blabs-A-Lot World" when he thinks it's a bathroom. He is revealed to be a well-muscled warrior...with the head of a kitten who knows Bobobo's technique. But when he finally faces Bo-bobo, he ends up falling to an armpit chop, which appears weak but is a very powerful technique in "Fist of Nosehair".

  • Episode appearances: 20

[edit] Militia

As a Heavenly King, Gunkan has an army of weird and powerful warriors under him including two assassins, a special forces unit, a loyal female second in command and a sheet wearing guardian.

[edit] Mean Green Soup Alien

Ochazuke Alien (お茶づけ星人 Ochazuke Seijin): A green tentacled alien that can fire weird beams that makes anyone that gets hit by it crave "ochazuke", which is a soup of rice and tea. Is also the first assassin sent by Captain Battleship (Gunkan) searching for Gasser. Don Patch got affected by the beam.

Episode appearances: 5, 14
Seiyuu: Nobuyuki Hiyama (anime), Kappei Yamaguchi (PS2 game)
Voice Actor: Jamieson Price

[edit] Insurmountable Wall Man

Kabeo (壁男 Kabeo): The second monstrous assassin of Gunkan, he absorbs opponents within his wall-like body and then steals their skills. He goes after Heppokomaru for his "Fist of the Back Wind" power. He is knocked out when "Aitsuhage Tower" flies off and crashes elsewhere...while driving in circles with taxi driver Don Patch inside the tower!

[edit] Suzu

[edit] Doll Man

A bean bag doll who can turn anyone into a doll. Was stepped on by Gasser after turning Beauty into a doll, then lashed at by Bo-bobo's nosehairs after mentioning to them the "Battleship Five Quartet".

  • Attacks:
    • Hello Dolly - Fires a blast that turns anyone who is hit by it into a doll. Used against Beauty.
  • Episode appearances: 17
  • Voice Actor: Michael Sorich

[edit] Captain Battleship's Special Forces

(軍艦特殊部隊 Gunkan Tokushu Butai): Grunt soldiers for Captain Battleship, fighting in masses against opponents and controlling the "Pomade Ring" headquarters for him as well.

[edit] Serviceman

The guardian of Pomade Ring after being defeated by Gasser, he helps Bobobo in many attacks. He replaced Suzuki for this position at his time with Gunkan.