Polynomial function theorems for zeros
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Polynomial function theorems for zeros are a set of theorems aiming to find (or determine the nature) of the complex zeros of a polynomial function.
Found in most precalculus textbooks, these theorems include:
- Remainder theorem
- Factor theorem
- Descartes' rule of signs
- Rational zeros theorem
- Bounds on zeros theorem also known as the boundedness theorem
- Intermediate value theorem
- Complex conjugate root theorem
[edit] Background
A polynomial function is a function of the form
where are complex numbers and
If p(z) = anzn + an − 1zn − 1 + ... + a2z2 + a1z + a0 = 0, then z is called a zero of p(x). If z is real, then z is a real zero of p(x); if z is imaginary, the z is a complex zero of p(x), although complex zeros include both real and imaginary zeros.
The fundamental theorem of algebra states that every polynomial function of degree has at least one complex zero. It follows that every polynomial function of degree
has exactly ncomplex zeros, not necessarily distinct.
- If the degree of the polynomial function is 1, i.e.,
, then its (only) zero is
- If the degree of the polynomial function is 2, i.e.,
, then its two zeros (not necessarily distinct) are
A degree one polynomial is also known as a linear function, whereas a degree two polynomial is also known as a quadratic function and its two zeros are merely a direct result of the quadratic formula. However, difficulty rises when the degree of the polynomial, n, is higher than 2. It is true that there is a cubic formula for a cubic function (a degree three polynomial) and there is a quartic formula for a quartic function (a degree four polynomial), but they are very complicated. To make matter worst, there is no general formula for a polynomial function of degree 5 or higher (see Abel–Ruffini theorem).
[edit] The theorems
[edit] Remainder theorem
The remainder theorem states that if p(x) is divided by x − c, then the remainder is p(c).
For example, when p(x) = x3 + 2x − 3 is divided by x − 2, the remainder (if we don't care about the quotient) will be p(2) = 23 + 2(2) − 3 = 9. When p(x) is divided by x + 1, the remainder is p( − 1) = ( − 1)3 + 2( − 1) − 3 = − 6. However, this theorem is most useful when the remainder is 0 since it will yield a zero of p(x). For example, p(x) is divided by x − 1, the remainder is p(1) = (1)3 + 2(1) − 3 = 0, so 1 is a zero of p(x) (by the definition of zero of a polynomial function).