Politics of Lazio

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The Politics of Lazio, Italy takes place in a framework of a presidential representative democracy, whereby the President of Regional Government is the head of government, and of a pluriform multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the Regional Government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the Regional Council.


[edit] Executive

Main article: Government of Lazio

The Regional Government (Giunta Regionale) is presided by the President of the Region (Presidente della Regione), who is elected for a five-year term, and is composed by the President and the Ministers (Assessori), who are currently 16, including a Vice President.[1]

[edit] Current composition

[edit] List of Presidents

Presidents of Lazio
President Party Term Legislature
Girolamo Mechelli DC 1970–1972 I Legislature
Luigi Cipriani DC 1972–1973 I Legislature
Rinaldo Santini DC 1973–1975 I Legislature
Roberto Palleschi PSI 1975–1976 II Legislature
Maurizio Ferrara PCI 1976–1977 II Legislature
Giulio Santarelli PSI 1977–1980 II Legislature
Giulio Santarelli PSI 1980–1983 III Legislature
Bruno Landi PSI 1983–1984 III Legislature
Gabriele Panizzi PSI 1984–1985 III Legislature
Sebastiano Montali PSI 1985–1987 IV Legislature
Bruno Landi PSI 1987–1990 IV Legislature
Rodolofo Gigli DC 1990–1992 V Legislature
Giorgio Pasetto DC 1992–1994 V Legislature
Carlo Proietti PDS 1994–1995 V Legislature
Piero Badaloni Indep. PPI 1995–2000 VI Legislature
Francesco Storace AN 2000–2005 VII Legislature
Piero Marrazzo Indep./PD 2005–... VIII Legislature

[edit] Legislative branch

Main article: Regional Council of Lazio

The Regional Council of Lazio (Consiglio Regionale del Lazio) is composed of 70 members, of which 55 are elected in provincial constituencies with proportional representation, 14 from the so-called "regional list" of the elected President and the last one is for the candidate for President who comes second, who usually becomes the leader of the opposition in the Council. If a coalition wins more than 55% of the vote, only 7 candidates from the "regional list" will be elected and the number of those elected in provincial constituencies will be 62.[2][3]

The Council is elected for a five-year term, but, if the President suffers a vote of no confidence, resigns or dies, under the simul stabunt vel simul cadent prevision (introduced in 1999), also the Council will be dissolved and there will be a fresh election.[4]

[edit] Current composition

[edit] Elections

Main article: Elections in Lazio

[edit] Last regional election

Main article: Lazio regional election, 2005

In the last regional election, which took place on 3-4 April 2005, Piero Marrazzo (Indep. The Union) defeated incumbent Francesco Storace (National Alliance).

The defeat in Lazio for House of Freedoms was especially important as the centre-right expected to maintain control of the Region. Storace, a leading member in the centre-right, was subsequently granted the status of Minister of Public Health in Berlusconi III Cabinet.

During the electoral campaign, Storace came out with factual evidence that Alessandra Mussolini's Alternativa Sociale had added fake signatures to real ones to reach the minimum number needed to present a list. However, to demonstrate this, he had someone "hack" into the database of the municipality of Rome in order to verify the signatures: he was therefore nicknamed "Storhacker" by Mussolini. It also appeared that someone spied on the left-wing candidate Marrazzo.[5]

Candidates Incumbent
The Union House of Freedoms Social Alternative
Piero Marrazzo
1,628,486 (50.7%)
Francesco Storace
1,522,198 (47.4%)
Alessandra Mussolini
62,352 (1.9%)
Francesco Storace

[edit] Other elections

[edit] References

[edit] External links