Polar topology

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In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics a polar topology, topology of \mathcal{A}-convergence or topology of uniform convergence on the sets of \mathcal{A} is a method to define locally convex topologies on the vector spaces of a dual pair.

[edit] Definition

Given a dual pair (X,Y,\langle , \rangle) and a family \mathcal{A} of sets in X such that for all A in \mathcal{A} the polar set A0 is an absorbent subset of Y, the polar topology on Y is defined by a family of semi norms \{p_A : A \in \mathcal{A}\}. For each A in \mathcal{A} we define

p_A(y):=\sup\{\vert \langle x , y \rangle \vert : x \in A\}.

The semi norm pA(y) is the gauge of the polar set A0.

[edit] Examples

[edit] Notes

A polar topology is sometimes called topology of uniform convergence on the sets of \mathcal{A} because given a dual pair (X,Y,\langle , \rangle) and a polar topology τ on Y defined by the gauges of the polar sets A0, a sequence yn in (Y,τ) converges to y if and only if for all semi norms pA

\lim_{n \to \infty} p_A(y_n - y) = \lim_{n \to \infty} \sup_{x \in A} \vert \langle y_n - y, x \rangle \vert \to 0

Or, to put it differently, for all sets A \in \mathcal{A}

\lim_{n \to \infty} \vert \langle y_n - y, x \rangle \vert \to 0 converges uniformly with respect to x \in A.