Pogórze Bukowskie

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Bukowskie Upland
Polish: Pogórze Bukowskie
none A view from Bukowica Peak in western Nowotaniec.
A view from Bukowica Peak in western Nowotaniec.
Country Poland
Part of Doły Jasielsko Sanockie in Gmina Bukowsko,
Gmina Besko, Gmina Sanok,
Gmina Lesko, Gmina Komańcza
Borders on Bieszczady Mountains,
and Low Beskids
Highest point Tokarnia (peak)
 - elevation 777 m (2,549 ft)
 - coordinates 49°29′00″N 22°40′04″E / 49.483333, 22.66778
Length 45 km (28 mi), west-east
Width 15 - 20 km (3 mi), north-south
Area 720 km² (278 sq mi)
Geology granite, gneiss, limestone
The Pogorze Bukowskie (Bukowskie Upland)=a9; part of the Outer Eastern Carpathians
The Pogorze Bukowskie (Bukowskie Upland)=a9; part of the Outer Eastern Carpathians
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The Pogórze Bukowskie [1], (Bukowskie Upland, Bukowskie Piedmont, Bukowskie Plateau) is one of the Beskids mountain ranges in the Outer Western Carpathians in southeastern Poland, part of Central Beskidian Piedmont. Is a hilly region in Poland (Sanok County, and Podkarpacie), between Beskid Niski and Bieszczady near the river Osława and San. Its name comes from the west slavic dialect word buk, meaning "beech" The mountain has two separate summits, one of 778 (Tokarnia) and one of 420 meters (Łysa Góra).

Important villages of this region include Bukowsko, Komańcza, Nowotaniec, Zagórz, Wola Sękowa, Wola Piotrowa, and Lesko. It is home to the Uniwersytet Ludowy, opened in 2005, which contains many artworks and effects of thee folk handworks inspiration. Pogórze Bukowskie is situated in the poorest region of Poland.

The region then became a site of contention between Poland, Kievan Rus and Hungary starting in at least the 9th century.

Up until 1947, 45% of the population of the part of the mountains was Lemkos and Dolinians, 45% Polish Uplanders and 10% Jews. The killing of the Polish General Karol Świerczewski in Jabłonki by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in 1947 was the direct cause of the replacement of the Lemkos, the so-called Operation Wisła.

Original flora and fauna was preserved because of the area's remoteness. The mountain range is covered with beech forests. The area is protected by Jaśliski Park Krajobrazowy. Animals living in this reserve are, amongst others, black storks, deers and wolves.

There are many tourist attractions, including historic wooden churches (include Wisłok Wielki, Komańcza, Kulaszne, Rzepedź, Szczawne etc.) and the increasingly-popular skiing (in Karlików, and Puławy Górne) resorts.


[edit] History

Main article: Lendians
Main article: Great Moravia
Main article: Ostsiedlung
Main article: Ruthenian Voivodeship
Main article: Lwów Voivodeship

[edit] Hiking trails

The European walking route E8
The European walking route E8

[edit] Rivers

[edit] Division

See also: Divisions of the Carpathians.

[edit] Literature

  • Prof. Adam Fastnacht. Slownik Historyczno-Geograficzny Ziemi Sanockiej w Średniowieczu (Historic-Geographic Dictionary of the Sanok District in the Middle Ages), Kraków, 2002, ISBN 83-88385-14-3.
  • Prof. Jadwiga Warszyńska. Karpaty Polskie : przyroda, człowiek i jego działalność ; Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Kraków , 1995 ISBN 83-233-0852-7
  • Prof. Jerzy Kondracki. Geografia fizyczna Polski Warszawa : Państ. Wydaw. Naukowe , 1988, ISBN 83-01-02323-6

[edit] External links

  • [1] "Po Pogórzu Bukowskim" (pl).
  • [2] Hotel, and hospices (pl.)
  • [3] Proposed Cycling Routes (en.)

Coordinates: 49°29′N, 22°40′E

[edit] References

  1. ^ Prof. Jerzy Kondracki. Geografia fizyczna Polski. Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Warszawa. 1988. ISBN 83-01-02323-6

[edit] Bukowskie landscape pictures