Podolska Cavalry Brigade

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Podolska Cavalry Brigade (Polish: Podolska Brygada Kawalerii) was a cavalry unit of the Polish Army in the interbellum period. It was created on April 1, 1937 out of the 6th Independent Cavalry Brigade. Its headquarters were stationed in Stanislawow and the brigade consisted of these units:

  • 6th Regiment of Kaniow Uhlans, stationed in Stanislawow,
  • 9th Regiment of Lesser Poland Uhlans, stationed in Trembowla
  • 14th Regiment of Jazlowiec Uhlans, stationed in Lwow,
  • 6th General Soltyk’s Mounted Artillery Regiment, stationed in Stanislawow,
  • 6th Squadron of Pioneers, stationed in Stanislawow,
  • 6th Squadron of Communications, stationed in Stanislawow.

[edit] Polish September Campaign

Originally, the Brigade, under Colonel Leon Strzelecki, was part of the Lodz Army, but after change of plans, it was transferred to the Poznan Army. On September 1, 1939, it unloaded in the operational area of the Army, but during the first week of the war, it was not engaged in combat. On September 8, it covered right wing of the Polish forces, during the Battle of the Bzura. Together with Polish 25th Infantry Division, it consisted offensive force of the Poznan Army, fighting German 221 I.D. of General Johann Pflugbeil. After Polish defeat, remnants of the Brigade managed to break into the Kampinos Forest, from where, together with units of Wielkopolska Cavalry Brigade and Pomeranian Cavalry Brigade, they fought their way into besieged Warsaw.

[edit] See also
