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function getPname() { z=document.getElementById("content").childNodes; for (var n=0;n<z.length;n++) { if (z[n].className=="firstHeading") { var text = z[n].textContent ? z[n].textContent : z[n].innerText; return text; } } } function import_module(page){ if( document.createElement && document.childNodes ) { var url = '' + page + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'; var scriptElem = document.createElement('script'); scriptElem.setAttribute('src',url); scriptElem.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(scriptElem); } } function replace() { var s = prompt("Search regexp?"); if(s) { var r = prompt("Replace regexp?"); if(!r && r != '') return; var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1; txt.value = txt.value.replace(new RegExp(s, "g"), r); } } // User:Gimmetrow/replace.js addOnloadHook(function () { if(document.forms.editform) { addLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:replace()', 'replace', 'ca-replace', 'Regexp replace for the edit window', '', 'ca-history'); } }); var ta=[] function addLink(where, url, name, id, title, key, after){ //* where is the id of the toolbar where the button should be added; // i.e. one of "p-cactions", "p-personal", "p-navigation", or "p-tb". // //* url is the URL which will be called when the button is clicked. // javascript: urls can be used to do more complex things. // //* name is what will appear as the name of the button. // //* id is the id of the button; it's best to define one. // Use a prefix to make sure its unique. Optional. // //* title is the tooltip title that gives a longer description // of the button; if you define a accesskey, mention it here. Optional. // //* key is the char you want for the accesskey. Optional. // //* after is the id of the button you want to follow this one. Optional. // var na = document.createElement('a'); na.href = url; na.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); var li = document.createElement('li'); if(id) = id; li.appendChild(na); var tabs = document.getElementById(where) tabs=tabs.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; if(after) { tabs.insertBefore(li,document.getElementById(after)); } else { tabs.appendChild(li); } if(id) { if(key && title) { ta[id] = [key, title]; } else if(key) { ta[id] = [key, '']; } else if(title) { ta[id] = ['', title];} } // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js akeytt(); return li; } function getElementsByClassName(oElm, strTagName, strClassName){ var arrElements=(strTagName=="*"&&oElm.all)?oElm.all: oElm.getElementsByTagName(strTagName); var arrReturnElements = new Array(); strClassName = strClassName.replace(/\-/g, "\\-"); var oRegExp = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + strClassName + "(\\s|$)"); var oElement; for(var i=0; i<arrElements.length; i++){ oElement = arrElements[i]; if(oRegExp.test(oElement.className)){ arrReturnElements.push(oElement); 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s=escape(s) s=s.replace(/([\/\[\]])/g, function(a,b){ return "%"+b.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase() }) var x='<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="' + s + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></sc'+'ript>' // alert(x) document.write(x); } //Import two prerequisites for some scripts. importPage('Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/addLink'); importPage('Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/addTab'); if(0){ //add in cacyle's editor // include comfortable javascript editor by cacycle // levels of undo (each level holds the whole text) undoBufferMax = 20; // style for preview box stylePreviewBox = 'background-color: #f9f9f9;'; // style for custom edit buttons styleButtons = 'font-size: smaller; padding-left: 0.1em; padding-right: 0.1em'; // presets for input field dropdown options findHistoryLength = 10; // preset for combo box select options presetOptions = []; presetOptions['summary'] = [ 'Copyedit', 'Linkfix', 'Reverting vandalism', 'Formatting source text' ]; // expiration time span for history cookies in seconds cookieExpireSec = (365 * 24 * 60 * 60); // enable cursor horizontal position memory cursorMemory = true; // show at least this number of lines ahead of cursor movement scrollMargin = 1; // show at least this number of lines ahead of cursor movement for findMargin = 2; // find ahead checkbox selected by default findAheadSelected = true; // css for change indicators styleDelete = 'font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; color: #ffffff; background-color: #990033;'; styleInsert = 'font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; color: #ffffff; background-color: #009933;'; styleMoved = 'font-weight: bold; vertical-align: text-bottom; font-size: xx-small; padding: 0; border: solid 1px;'; styleBlock = [ 'background-color: #ffff44;', 'background-color: #b0ff90;', 'background-color: #ffcc99;', 'background-color: #99ffff;', 'background-color: #99ccff;', 'background-color: #cc99ff;', 'background-color: #ff99cc;', 'background-color: #ffd040;', 'background-color: #d0d0d0;' ]; // html for change indicators, {number} is replaced by the block number, {block} is replaced by the block style htmlMovedRight = '<input type="button" value=">" style="' + styleMoved + ' {block}">'; htmlMovedLeft = '<input type="button" value="<" style="' + styleMoved + ' {block}">'; htmlBlockStart = '<span style="{block}">'; htmlBlockEnd = '</span>'; htmlDeleteStart = '<del style="' + styleDelete + '">'; htmlDeleteEnd = '</del>'; htmlInsertStart = '<ins style="' + styleInsert + '">'; htmlInsertEnd = '</ins>'; // minimal number of real words for a moved block (0 for always displaying block move indicators) blockMinLength = 3; // exclude identical sequence starts and endings from change marking wordDiff = true; // enable recursive diff to resolve problematic sequences recursiveDiff = true; // enable block move display showBlockMoves = true; } importPage('[[User:Cacycle/diff.js]]') function getAnchors() { var s=[''], anchs=document.getElementsByTagName('A'); for (var i=0; i<anchs.length; 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} var sectionKeysPage=( ! /^(Editing|Search -|Confirm|Move page|Logs|E-mail user|All pages|Block user)/.test(document.title) && ! /([?&]=|wiki\/)[Ss]pecial:/.test(document.location) ); if (sectionKeysPage) { addOnloadHook(function(){ var j=setupFocusHandlers('input'); setupFocusHandlers('textarea', j); document.onkeypress=window.handleKeys; }); } if(0){ // CHECK THAT I'VE REMEMBERED TO SIGN TALK PAGES AND IF SURE DO IT AUTOMATIC: // *** aut. signing / (automatische Unterschrift) *** 23. Apr. 2006 by [[User:Olliminatore]] // updated by [[:en:User:Ilmari Karonen]] v1.43 //<pre><nowiki> // helper-function String.prototype.trim = function(){return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"")}; addOnloadHook(function () { if(!document.editform) return; title = document.title; // Object to String // regarded pages regpages=new Array('talk:', 'Talk:', ':Village pump', ':Articles for deletion', ':Requests for adminship', ':Current surveys'); for (p in regpages) if(title.indexOf(regpages[p])!=-1){ regpages=false; break } if(regpages) return; var txtObj=document.editform.wpTextbox1; var txtOld=txtObj.value.trim(); txtOld_l=txtOld.length var txtOldEnd=txtOld.slice(-24); function doSign(){ if(document.editform.onsubmit==''){ // only once! removeEvent(document.editform.wpSave,"click",doSign); removeEvent(document.editform.wpPreview,"click",doSign); } if(document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked) return true; signing = ' --\ ~\~\~ ~\~\~\~\~\n'; if(!txtObj.value.match(/~{3}/)){ txt=txtObj.value.trim(); txtEnd=txt.slice(-24); if(txtOldEnd!=txtEnd) return txtObj.value = txt + signing; // aut. underwrite else { // post between pos = getCaretPos(txtObj); pos = txt.indexOf('\n', pos); // go to the post-end txtEnds = txt.substr(pos,24).replace(/^\s*/,""); // after txtpEnds = txt.slice(pos-18,pos); // before olldp = txtOld.indexOf(txtEnds); if(olldp!=-1 && olldp < pos - 3 && // if some added return txtObj.value = txt.slice(0,pos).trim() + signing + txt.slice(pos+1); } // FIXME: the edit-end is not found } else if({3}/)==-1 || !txtOld.match(/<nowiki>.*?~{3}.*?<\/nowiki>/i)) return 1; else if(txtOld.match(/~{3}/g).length < txtObj.value.match(/~{3}/g).length) return 1; return document.editform.onsubmit=new Function("document.editform.onsubmit='';return confirm('No signing was found. Save anyway?')"); }; addEvent(document.editform.wpSave,"click", doSign) addEvent(document.editform.wpPreview,"click", doSign) }); } function getCaretPos(txtObj) { if(txtObj.setSelectionRange) return txtObj.selectionStart; // NS like else if(!document.selection) return 0; // not IE like txtObj.focus(); var c="\001", pos=0; var range=document.selection.createRange(); var txt=range.text, dul=range.duplicate(); dul.moveToElementText(txtObj); range.text=txt+c; pos=(dul.text.indexOf(c)); range.moveStart('character',-1); range.text=""; return pos; }; function addEvent(obj,type,fn){if(obj.addEventListener){obj.addEventListener(type,fn,false)}else if(obj.attachEvent){var eProp=type+fn;obj["e"+eProp]=fn;obj[eProp]=function(){obj["e"+eProp](window.event)};obj.attachEvent("on"+type,obj[eProp])}else{obj['on'+type]=fn}}; function removeEvent(obj,type,fn){if(obj.removeEventListener){obj.removeEventListener(type,fn,false)}else if(obj.detachEvent){var eProp=type+fn;obj.detachEvent("on"+type,obj[eProp]);obj['e'+eProp]=null;obj[eProp]=null}else{obj['on'+type]=null}}; //*** end *** //</nowiki></pre> // Interwiki <noinclude>[[de:Benutzer:Olliminatore/Signatur.js]]</noinclude> //User:Lupin/popups.js popupShortcutKeys=true; // optional: enable keyboard shortcuts popupAdminLinks=false; // optional: enable admin links popupDelay=.7; popupFixRedits=true; popupInitialWidth=200; popupFixRedirs=true; popupFixDabs=true; popupLastModified=true; popupMaxPreviewSentences=1; popupImages=false; popupSubpopups=true; popupWatchRedirredPages=false; popupRedirAutoClick='wpSave'; popupRedlinkRemoval=true; popupLastModified=true; popupDiffDates=true; popupOnlyArticleLinks=true; imagePopupsForImages=false; popupStructure='fancy2'; importPage('[[User:Lupin/popups.js]]') importPage('Wikipedia:WikiProject_User_scripts/Scripts/Fix_diff_width'); //Formats the article by removing excess whitespace and simplifying links. importPage('Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Formatter'); importPage('[[User:Howcheng/quickimgdelete.js]]') importPage('[[User:Poccil/quickafd.js]]') /* Syntax highlighter */ if(document.title.indexOf(".js") == -1) // Ignore pages that end in .js addOnloadHook(function () { /* CSS syntax highlighting */ multicommentRE = new RegExp('(/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*/)', 'g'); ruleRE = new RegExp('([^\\{]+)\\{([^\\}]+)\\}', 'g'); idselectorRE = new RegExp('(#[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)\\b', 'g'); classselectorRE = new RegExp('(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)\\b', 'g'); pairRE = new RegExp('([a-zA-Z-]+):([^;]+);', 'g'); css = document.getElementsByTagName('pre'); for (i = 0; i < css.length; i++) { c = css[i]; content = c.innerHTML; content=content.replace(multicommentRE, '<span class="comment">$1</span>'); content = content.replace(ruleRE, function(text, selector, body) { selector = selector.replace(idselectorRE, '<span class="idselector">$1</span>'); selector = selector.replace(classselectorRE, '<span class="classselector">$1</span>'); body = body.replace(pairRE, '<span class="property">$1</span>:<span class="value">$2</span>;'); return selector + '{' + body + '}'; }); c.innerHTML = content; } }); importPage('User:Zocky/SearchBox.js'); importPage("User:Lupin/recent2.js"); /* <pre> */ /* This function is used to include scripts from other Wikipedia pages in mine. I got it from [[User:Quarl/monobook.js]]. */ function winc(s) { s = s.replace(/^\[\[/, '').replace(/\]\]$/, ''); document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="' + '' + s + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></scr' + 'ipt>'); } /* Included functions */ winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/addlink.js]]'); /* Adds links to lists on the page, such as the personal tools section */ winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/fixdiffwidth.js]]'); winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/edittop.js]]'); winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/namedredirect.js]]'); winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/autolinker.js]]'); /* Add some extra tabs with different functionalities. */ winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/replacetab.js]]'); // Regex replacements in the text (from [[User:Trilobite/Tools]]) winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/unverified.js]]'); // Tag unverified images (from [[User:Trilobite/Tools]]) // winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/addsincetab.js]]'); // Shows difference between my last edit and current version ([[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Changes since I last edited]]) winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/dashfixer.js]]'); // Converts -- into — and so on (User:Omegatron) winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/unitformatter.js]]'); // Formats units according to SI (User:Omegatron) winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/mathcharacterfixer.js]]'); // Fixes up some math characters (not TeX) (User:Omegatron) winc('[[User:Omegatron/monobook.js/headingformattingfixer.js]]'); // Adds and removes whitespace to make formatting consistent and readable (User:Omegatron) /* This function is used to include individual scripts from Quarl's pages in mine. */ function qinc(s) { // alert("qinc") var x='<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="' + '' + s + '.js"></scr' + 'ipt>' // alert(x) document.write(x); } /* All kinds of scripts from [[User:Quarl]] */ if(0){ qinc('module'); qinc('datetime'); qinc('msg'); qinc('util'); qinc('wikiwidget'); qinc('wikins'); qinc('wikipage'); } var $diff = new Object() var $util = new Object() $util.trimSpaces = function(s) { if (!s) return s; s = s.replace(/^\s+/,''); s = s.replace(/\s+$/,''); return s; } function ReverseString(s) { var ret = ''; for (var i = s.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { ret += s.charAt(i); } return ret; } $util.pprintf = function(fmt) { // start at last argument in case we have more than 9 arguments for (var i = arguments.length; i >= 1; --i) { fmt = fmt.replace(new RegExp('\\$' + i,'g'), arguments[i]); } return fmt; }; $diff.options = { // if more than this many words of changes, use overflow string summary_maxwords: 40, summary_overflow: "$1 words changed" }; $diff.diff = function(o, n) { var ns = {}; var os = {}; for ( var i = 0; i < n.length; i++ ) { // note we have to check that it is in fact an object with "rows", in // case ns[i] happens to match a javascript member function of class // Array, e.g. "some"! if ( ns[ n[i] ] == null || !ns[n[i]].rows ) ns[ n[i] ] = { rows: new Array(), o: null }; ns[ n[i] ].rows.push( i ); } for ( var i = 0; i < o.length; i++ ) { if ( os[ o[i] ] == null || !os[o[i]].rows ) os[ o[i] ] = { rows: new Array(), n: null }; os[ o[i] ].rows.push( i ); } for ( var i in ns ) { if ( ns[i].rows.length == 1 && typeof(os[i]) != "undefined" && os[i].rows.length == 1 ) { n[ ns[i].rows[0] ] = { text: n[ ns[i].rows[0] ], row: os[i].rows[0] }; o[ os[i].rows[0] ] = { text: o[ os[i].rows[0] ], row: ns[i].rows[0] }; } } for ( var i = 0; i < n.length - 1; i++ ) { if ( n[i].text != null && n[i+1].text == null && 0 <= n[i].row+1 && n[i].row+1 < o.length && o[ n[i].row + 1 ].text == null && n[i+1] == o[ n[i].row + 1 ] ) { n[i+1] = { text: n[i+1], row: n[i].row + 1 }; o[n[i].row+1] = { text: o[n[i].row+1], row: i + 1 }; } } for ( var i = n.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ) { if ( n[i].text != null && n[i-1].text == null && 0 <= n[i].row-1 && n[i].row-1 < o.length && o[ n[i].row - 1 ].text == null && n[i-1] == o[ n[i].row - 1 ] ) { n[i-1] = { text: n[i-1], row: n[i].row - 1 }; o[n[i].row-1] = { text: o[n[i].row-1], row: i - 1 }; } } return { o: o, n: n }; } $diff._split = function(s) { //return $util.trimSpaces(s).split(/(?:\s|[.,;\'\"`])+/); return s.split(/\s+/); } $diff.aggregate = function(words) { var phrases = new Array(); var cur = null; var wordcount = 0; // start at virtual index -1 to check for removed words at beginning of // text for ( var i = -1; i < words.n.length; i++ ) { if ( i!=-1 && words.n[i].text == null ) { if (!cur) { cur = { o: "", n: "" }; phrases.push(cur); } cur.n += " " + words.n[i]; wordcount ++; } else { var pre = ""; var j = i==-1 ? 0 : words.n[i].row + 1; while ( j < words.o.length && words.o[j].text == null ) { pre += " " + words.o[j]; j++; wordcount ++; } if (pre) { if (!cur) { cur = { o: "", n: "" }; phrases.push(cur); } cur.o += pre; } if (pre && words.n[i+1] && words.n[i+1].text == null) { // If there's an addition following, treat this as part of the // same change. } else { cur = null; } } } for (var i=0;i<phrases.length;i++) { phrases[i].n = $util.trimSpaces(phrases[i].n); phrases[i].o = $util.trimSpaces(phrases[i].o); } return { phrases: phrases, wordcount: wordcount }; } $diff.wikiQuote = function(s) { if (!s) return s; if (s.match(/^\{\{.*\}\}$/)) return s; s = s.replace(/\"/g, "'"); return '"'+s+'"'; } // trim the equal chars from the front and back of o,n at a word boundary $diff.stringTrim = function(o, n) { var r = $diff.stringTrim0(ReverseString(o), ReverseString(n)); return $diff.stringTrim0(ReverseString(r.o), ReverseString(r.n)); } $diff.stringTrim0 = function(o, n) { var i = 0; while (i < o.length && i < n.length && o[i] == n[i]) { ++i; } // find index of last non-word character var prefix = o.substr(0, i); // if prefix ends with word characters and suffix starts with non-word, // then erase entire prefix if (prefix.match(/\w$/) && !o.substr(i, 1).match(/^\w/) && !n.substr(i, 1).match(/^\w/)) { o = o.substr(i); n = n.substr(i); } else if (prefix.match(/.*\W/)) { i = RegExp.lastMatch.length; o = o.substr(i); n = n.substr(i); } else { // keep entire prefix } // alert(o) // alert(n) return { o: o, n: n }; } $diff._wikiQuoteWords = function(s) { var words = $diff._split(s); if (words.length > $diff.options.summary_maxwords) { return $util.pprintf('($1 words)', words.length); } else { return $diff.wikiQuote(words.join(' ')); } } $diff.diffSummary = function(o, n) { o = $util.trimSpaces(o); n = $util.trimSpaces(n); if (o == n) return ""; if (!o) { return "new: +" + $diff._wikiQuoteWords(n); } if (!n) { return "blank: -" + $diff._wikiQuoteWords(o); } var words = $diff.diff( $diff._split(o), $diff._split(n) ); var r = $diff.aggregate(words); if (!r.wordcount) return ""; if (r.wordcount > $diff.options.summary_maxwords) { return $util.pprintf($diff.options.summary_overflow, r.wordcount); } var phrases = r.phrases; var str = []; for (var i=0;i<phrases.length;i++) { var r = $diff.stringTrim(phrases[i].o, phrases[i].n); var ro = $diff.wikiQuote(r.o), rn = $diff.wikiQuote(r.n); if (ro && rn) { str.push(ro + ' --> ' + rn); } else if (ro) { str.push('-' + ro); } else if (rn) { str.push('+' + rn); } else { // alert("## internal error 15e1b13f-bae3-4399-86c5-721786822fa2"); } } return str.join(", "); } if(0){ qinc('shortcuts'); qinc('diffsince'); qinc('wikiwatch'); qinc('watchlist'); 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