Talk:Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My comments inside the << >> marks, commenting on the odd intro statement on this Pleasant Bay entry.

is a section of beach <<Wrong! PB is a BAY, not a section of beach. Not even close>> located in Orleans, Massachusetts <<WRONG! It is shared by Orleans, Chatham, Harwich and possibly Brewster (I think Brew. has a small sliver, not sure)>> . It is located of of Route 28 <<One side of it is>> and harbors 7,825 acres of saltwater when the tide is in <<maybe true, no idea>>.

I've lived and boated on Pleasant Bay my whole life. Wikipedia would be better off without an entry for PB instead of this dreck of an entry. Really bad. It needs deleting, or change it to be correct.

/really bad guys...