Pleasure Point, Santa Cruz, California

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A history of Pleasure Point, Santa Cruz, California

From the time of the Costanoan through the Spanish missions in California, into the time of the Californios and the break up of the Ranchos to the development of the Coastal cottages and businesses, the “Point” has had a rich and interesting past. In the more modern times of Prohibition[1], with the speak easy's that gave the area the name Pleasure Point and through the development of the surf culture, this area has been a place of distinction along the California coast

The new Century has ushered in a new phase of development in which the beach cottages are being replaced by large houses. The surfers being replaced by new residents and vacation rentals.

Pleasure Point is on the northern Monterey Bay in Santa Cruz County, California, [2]is a world renowned surf location. It is a prime example of Surf culture.


[edit] Historic surf figures

The early big wave rider Fred Van Dyke[3] and the inventor of the wetsuit, Jack O'Neill, are historic figures associated with this area.

[edit] Ohlone

The Ohlone[4] were the early settlers of the Central Coast Prior to the arrival of the Spanards in 1769, 100,000 lived in the area from Big Sur to San Francisco.

[edit] Spanish

The Spanish sent the Missionaries[5] to help settle the land and used the Indigenous peoples as the labor. They helped to reduce the use of traditional ways and Culture. Many died from the disease of the Spanish settlers. ]

[edit] Mexican independence

The missionaries held onto their land and power for twelve years after the independence of Mexico from Spain in 1821.[6] The Mexican government seized the Mission lands and distributed it to a few powerful families, among them the Rodriguez.

The native people freed from the Missions were now used by the Mexicans as laborers. Mexico did not spend money to build cities, roads, hospitals, or to develop agriculture further.

[edit] Californios

The Californios developed a culture around the cattle that roamed the large Ranchos

By 1845, there were probably fewer than 500 people including Natives on the San Mateo Peninsula

[edit] Rancho rodeo

Arro Del Rodeo was granted by Gov. Figuero[7] to Don Fransico Rodriguez, the early California poet. This area was used for cattle round ups by the Rodriguez and Castro families, in a natural amphitheater where the freeway crosses Rodeo Gulch.[8] Also known as "Los Coyotes", a one-quarter square league from Rodeo Gulch to Soquel Creek, from the sea up.

[edit] Rancho live oak

Rancho Encinalitos (little live oak ranch) owned by Alejandro Rodriguez, ran from Corcoran West and included the lands to Woods Lagoon.

[edit] Mexican american war

The result of the Mexican American War (the treaty with Mexico was signed on February 2, 1848, and on September 9, 1850 President Fillmore signed the bill for California admission)resulted in more immigration. [9]Amerians and Europeans joined with the Mexican Rancho families or through purchase gained land in the area.

[edit] Daubenbiss and hames

In 1845 John Daubenbiss and John Hames bought from Alexander Rodriguez 1,100 acres (4 km²).[10] The Daubenbiss house is on the rise coming out of Soquel Village The 1855 grant was confirmed by the land commission. Originally surveyed as 2,353 acres (10 km²) in 1858. It was resurveyed in 1861 as 1,473.04 acres. In 1869, after a second notice they appealed yet were held to the smaller size because they didn't object in time. H. and E. Pagels patented part of the lands in 1868. Hames and Daubenbiss patented this Rancho in 1882.[11]

[edit] Hatch map

1889 Hatch Map shows.

[edit] Leonard

M. Leonard owned 115 acres (0.5 km²) east of Woods Lagoon- The Yacht Harbor and Arena Gulch to Schwan Lagoon- the twin lakes area.

[edit] Schwan

Schwan owned 72 Acres from Schwan Lagoon to near Blacks Point. He built the Inn in 1892. Helped develop Twin Lakes trolley station. Property landscaped by N.A. Beckwith with naturalistic landscape including Eucalyptus.

[edit] Johans

Henry Johans owned 85 Acres Blacks Point, Sunny Cove to about 17th Ave.

[edit] Corcoran

Corcoran [12]owned 183 Ac of land west of Rodeo Gulch, from the Sea to Santa Maria, along the SCRR (Santa Cruz Rail Road) above the Schwan's and the Johan's lands, to upper Schwan Lake, the state park area by the Simpkin swim center of 17th Ave.

[edit] Moran

Moran[13] Patrick Moran + Rosa Smith 1866. Blacksmith 1870 bought 237 Ac of land from Rodeo Gulch/ Corcoran Lagoon to 33rd Ave- Lynskey property. Both sides of Moran Lagoon. From the sea to the RR, including Soquel/ Pleasure Point. Barn on 26th, now in Advent / Pleasure Point Church. Ship, Helen Merrian Cap. Nelson, with cargo of telegraph poles wrecks off ranch. 1896- son Patrick, 17, died of typhoid. 1897 Divorced due to drinking. Son, Martin, drowned off Blacks Point in Jan 1901. Victorian house on beach. Burned March 1901. 1906-Son, Edward died from mistakenly drinking acid, at his grandfather’s ranch in Watsonville. Died in 1904.

[edit] Lynskey

Walter Lynskey owned 54 Ac from 33 Ave to 38th. Died 1918 and land sold.

[edit] Hawes

W. Hawes 1907 owned land along proposed E Cliff.

[edit] Hinn

F. A. Hinn[14] owned around 120 Ac from 38th to 41st the sea to Capitola Road. This included the Road House/ Casa Del Mar, on E. Cliff

[edit] Leonard

M. Leonard owned 108 more Ac The Hook to Capitola Road, Opal Cliffs.

[edit] Wardwell

G Wardwell owned 58 Ac to Capitola Rd. Lower Opal cliffs.

[edit] Santa maria

March 2 1891, Corcoran, Moran and Johann gave 20 acres to the Catholic Ladies’ Aid Society June 1892 Hotel Santa Maria Del Mar [15]opened. 1906 The Chapel opened.

[edit] Houghton

Moran sold to Nellie Houghton in 1904 in Estate Sale on Rosa’s death. She bid $2,500 in gold coins. Built a family house at the end of 30th called the Owls, because of the many owls in the area. Mr. A. D. Houghton was an engineering consultant to John D Rockefeller. Children went to Santa Cruz high on the Capitola Street car. They planted the Eucalyptus windbreak that still shelters the area now. They also provided over wintering for the Monarch Butterfly. The house burned on 12.14, 1915.

[edit] Neillie

1920 Neillie owned 6.25 Ac at the end of Houghton/30th Ave.

[edit] Kleist

1929 John C. Kleist owned the property

[edit] Pleasure point subdivision

C Thompson developed the Pleasure Point subdivision.

Dr Norman Sullivan renamed Eucalyptus Dr, Pleasure Point Dr.

[edit] the plung

The Plung was opened in 1934. The swimming pool was built in the basement of the Houghton home. 1934 managed by Mrs. Thompson. 1955 re opened by Edward Maloney. 1962 was removed because of a large crack.

[edit] Hinn

1867 narrow gauge railroad [16] from SC to Watsonville built by Hinn, [17]who's locomotive Jupiter[18] is in the Smithsonian

Trolley Union Traction Twin Lakes to Capitola 1903-05 - 1925 [19]

1907 East Cliff Dr proposed 15-mile (24 km) auto speedway from SC to Capitola. 75-100 feet wide.

[edit] Lamb and burton

1907 Lamb and Burton owned 44 ac from UT to proposed E Cliff-33rd-38th. The Breakers.

[edit] Hawes

1920's had 17.5 ac that developed as THE BREAKERS 1921 Breakers Bonanza Beach

LOTS $5 down, $5 mo. 75-90ft. Free water to lot, golden Waukesha mineral water. Free beach, 2,000 ft. long. Free camping.

[edit] Rodeo Club

Rodeo Club 1922 meet at Larsen house on 38th to improve E Cliff 26-41st.

[edit] Beltz

Beltz 1920 6 acres off 30th 1929 70 ac Moran Lagoon to 38th 1948 Beltz Haven 38th-34th 1936 permission to develop water system around Breakers Beach 1938 seeks to lay water mains in Live Oak 1938 sued by Breakers for poor water.

[edit] Hitchcock, the birds

Birds fly into homes in Capitola and Pleasure Point. Hitchcock reading of this, makes the movie, The Birds.

[edit] Pleasure point night fighters

Pleasure Point Night Fighters 1920's Volunteer firefighters to protect the Point from fires and rowdy crowds during Prohibition 1919-1933. At this time rumrunners dropped off on the beaches.[20]

Image:Color rh.jpg‎Rumors that the Pleasure Point roadhouse 2-3905 E-Cliff Image:Color rh.jpg‎ was used in these endeavors.[21] See more

[edit] Roadhouse

The Pleasure Point roadhouse had one of the early gas stations along the SC coast. [22]

It was a retreat with access to the ducks and waterfowl that filled the Lagoons and wetlands in the area.

1870’s F. A. Hihn owned the property.

1900's was owned by J.Henchy, a saloon keeper from San Francisco,who built the Pleasure Point roadhouse.

1920Nick Neary from San Francisco owned the property. [23]

1926 A&E Petersontraded for their grape ranch in Chowchilla

1986 L Naslund [24]

[edit] O'Neill

Jack O'Neill Father of the Wetsuit patented the name Surf Shop in SF 1952. Move to SC in 1959. First at Cowells and then to 41st Ave in Pleasure Point.

Gion v. City of Santa Cruz(Cal. 1970) The use of the beach from at least 1900 lead to dedication of property to public use and prescriptive rights

O'Neill bought Gion property along the coast of Pleasure Point. Formerly Breakers Beach owned by Hawes. 33rd-38th

[edit] Surf breaks in pleasure point

The beach at O'Neill's has long been used for Surf access and gathering. Directly in front is the surf break called "O'Neill's" or "The Dirt Farm". Other famous surf spots on the Soquel Point from W to E, include Sewer Peak, First Peak, Second Peak, "once in a whiles", 38th Avenue, The Drain Pipe,The Hook, Shark's Cove, Privates and Trees.

[edit] World class pleasure point surfers

Pleasure Point has been the home and training grounds for many of the World's great American surfers, including Peter Mel[25], Jay Moriarty[26], Adam Repogle, Chris Gallagher, Kieran Horn, Jason "Ratboy" Collins, Anthony Rufo, Daryl "Flea" Virostko, Robert Weaver, Marcel Soros , and Homer Hernard.

[edit] PPNF

The PPNF, Pleasure Point Night Fighters, was reconstituted in the 1950s

As the contests between the surfers from Steamer Lane and Pleasure Point increased, the Pleasure Point Surfing Association reinvigorated the PPNF in the 1960’s with the inspiration from Jim Phillip's [27], renown surf art-skate artist under Harry Contie. [28]

PPNF began Pack Your Trash.[29] In the 1970’s Pack Your Trash Day's began as one of the first beach clean ups in response to visitors who had not learned to respect the ocean environment. This has grown to be a national phenomenon and people now work to keep our beach areas clean.

1980 The PPNF Park was planted across from Elizibeth's Market, the old Port O Call market for Breakers Beach.[30]

Many Surfing contest are held in this location, including the no cord classic developed by Keven Cante, in response to the use of shock cords or surf cords, now called surf leashes. The early version was attached to the board with a suction cup.

1971 Jack O'Neill lost his eye to an early surf cord.

1970's Development of 41st Ave as a commercial district. Pleasure Businesses followed [31]

1995 the road across from the Pleasure Point roadhouse failed leading to the one way road.

[edit] New century

2001-The sidewalk[32] on lower 30th was the beginning of the end of the surf community,where many lived in an environment similar to that found at the State Park of Crystal Cove.[33]

With new "Curb Appeal", Realtors and developers rush in to replace the historic beach cottages with"McMansions" [34]. Many long term renters are forced out as Vacation rentals and large houses used for a few weeks in the summer replace the small bungalows with cottage gardens.

The pattern seen in Ocean Beach, San Diego, California and many Southern California beach cottage communities[35] begins to transform one of the last surf communities along the coast.

2001 Park designation for openspace on the S-Turn[36]

2001 The Rodgers project is opposed with a petition signed by a 1000 people against loss of small beach cottage used by surf community and removal of trees that protect monarch butterflies of Moran lagoon.

2003-Seawall proposed, turned down by Coastal Commission because of lack of adequate look at alternatives to coastal erosion.[37]

2004 Proposal to have a lower pathway along East Cliff by Coastal Commission.[38] see p.11

2004 permission to build on the beach across from Moran Lagoon turned down[39]

2004-Permission to build town house next to Roadhouse[40], on one of the last undeveloped lots. Though out of compliance with Neighborhood compatibility standards for similar scale, bulk and style to the surrounding homes; the project is approved much to the dismay of many long term members of the community.

2005- Attempt to list The Pleasure Point roadhouse as a Cultural Resource NR-5. The Trustees, with the help of Realtors and Developers fight the designation in opposition the community desire to save it for a museum and community center. [41] [42] 2007 community meetings to decide design guidelines in keeping with the historic beach cottage environment.[43]

Aug 14, 2007 County investigates Roadhouse as a park site [44]

Dec 2007 Coastal Commission permits Sea Wall from 33rd Ave to 36th and at the Hook on the end of 41st Ave.

[edit] External links