Platform supply vessel

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Platform Supply Vessel
Platform Supply Vessel

A Platform supply vessel (often abbreviated as PSV) is a ship specially designed to supply offshore oil platforms. These ships range from 65 to 350 feet in length and accomplish a variety of tasks. The primary function for most of these vessels is transportation of goods and personnel to and from offshore oil platforms and other offshore structures.


[edit] Capabilities

[edit] Cargo

A primary function of a platform supply vessel is to transport supplies to the oil platform and return other cargoes to shore. Cargo tanks for drilling mud, pulverized cement, diesel fuel, potable and non-potable water, and chemicals used in the drilling process comprise the bulk of the cargo spaces. Fuel, water, and chemicals are almost always required by oil platforms. Certain other chemicals must be returned to shore for proper recycling or disposal, however, crude oil product from the rig is usually not a supply vessel cargo.

[edit] Support

Common and specialty tools are carried on the large decks of these vessels. Most carry a combination of above and below deck cargoes, allowing for the stability of the vessel. Many ships are constructed (or re-fitted) to accomplish a particular job. This could include deploying, monitoring, and retrieving seismic cable for mapping geologic formations that may possibly hold hydrocarbons. Often these vessels are equipped with a firefighting capability and fire monitors for fighting platform fires. Some vessels are equipped with oil containment and recovery equipment to assist in the cleanup of a spill at sea. Other vessels are equipped with tools, chemicals and personnel to "work-over" existing oil wells for the purpose of increasing the wells' production. Many other specialty jobs are regularly accomplished every day in the oilfields of the world.

[edit] Vessel Crews

Crews on the smaller ships can number as few as three or four. Some of the larger vessels carry 20 to 30 people, as many as half of them could be crew, the remainder being specialist such as scientist, geologists, or people involved in any of the many jobs related to operations on the oil rig.

[edit] Daily Operations

Crews normally sign on to work and live aboard the ship an extended period of time (2 - 6 weeks or more). This is followed by an extended period of time off, often 2-4 weeks depending on the company. Work details on platform supply vessels, like many ships, are organized into shifts of up to 12 hours.

Living aboard the ship, each crew member and worker will have a shift, lasting some portion of a 24 hour day. Most supply vessels are provided with a "bridge" area for navigating and operating the ship, machinery spaces, living quarters, and an area for cooking and eating. Some have built in work areas, and common areas for entertainment. The large main deck area is sometimes utilized for portable housing.

Living quarters consist of a bunk area, lockers, and spaces for storing personal items. Living areas are provided with wash basins, showers and toilets. Officers living quarters are sometimes outfitted with a small work desk, private sinks, showers and toilets.

The "galley" or cooking and eating areas aboard ship will be stocked with enough grocery items to last for the intended voyage. A walk-in size cooler and freezer, a commercial stove and oven, deep sinks, storage and counterspace will be available for the persons doing the cooking. The eating area will have coffee makers, toasters, microwave ovens, cafeteria style seating, and other ammentities needed to feed a hard working crew. Depending on the size of the ships roster and organizational structure, the galley will normally serve four complete meals each day.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links