Plataforma Nunca Máis

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Nunca Máis Flag
Nunca Máis Flag

Nunca Máis (Galician: 'Never Again') is the name and slogan of a popular movement in Spain formed in response to the Prestige environmental disaster in 2002. The movement's banner is based on the Galician flag, but with a blue diagonal on a black field, rather than a blue diagonal on a white field. The movement describes itself as representing a broad swathe of Spanish civil society.

Nunca Máis organized a number of demonstrations to ensure the official recognition of Galicia as a catastrophe zone and the immediate resource base to repair the economic, social, environmental and health problems resulting from the disaster. It also called for the set in of motion of disaster prevention systems, in order to avoid disasters like this from occurring.

In August 11, 2006 the Plataforma Nunca Máis announced their reactivation to fight against the wave of forest fires that had been started throughout Galicia. They organised many rallies in Santiago de Compostela in which thousands turned up to show their support for Nunca Máis and their outrage and disgust at the arsonists. One protestor in a moving speech spoke these words:

The Prestige tried to destroy our land; it failed. Fraga tried to destroy our land; he, too, failed. The fires are trying to destroy our land, and they, too, shall fail. For our people's resolve is stronger and more determined than ever.

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