Plano Christian Academy

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Plano Christian Academy (PCA) is an Evangelical, non-denominational, private, Classical Christian school supporting grades K-12. Located in Plano, Texas, PCA utilizes the Trivium, a three-stage integrative and cyclical approach to learning that introduces students to many of the influential works that shaped Western civilization.


[edit] History

PCA was first conceived as a private Christian-based educational solution for athletes and artists requiring specialized scheduling. As plans for PCA developed, the board of trustees decided to open enrollment to non-athlete, non-artist students during its inaugural year. With this expansion, the board decided that PCA would be a Christian school with smaller classes (10:1 maximum), block scheduling, shorter hours, spiritual development, and individual attention. PCA opened its doors on the campus of the University of Gymnastics (Plano, TX) in August, 2003 with a student body of 19 in grades 4-11.

Enrollment increased to 45 students by August, 2004. During the 2004-2005 school year, PCA developed a long term vision to be a prominent school in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. With this in mind, the school transitioned to a Classical model of education and secured new facilities on the campus of the First Christian Church of Plano. PCA began its third year (August, 2005) with an enrollment of 60 students supporting grades 1-12.

The following year (August, 2006) PCA added kindergarten, and enrollment increased to over 100 students supporting grades K-12. In the fall of 2006, the board of trustees approved PCA's pursuit of accreditation through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). During the 2006-2007 school year, ACSI granted PCA candidacy status, and PCA became a member of the Association of Classical Christian Schools.

[edit] School Verse

"And Jesus grew, in wisdom and statue, and in favor of God and man." (Luke 2:52)

[edit] School Mission

"Plano Christian Academy seeks to impact the next generation by developing Christian leaders that model purpose, wisdom, and excellence to the glory of God" (

[edit] External links

Association of Christian Schools International
Association of Christian Classical Schools

[edit] Sources

Plano Christian Academy Handbook: 2006-2007, (Plano, TX: Plano Christian Academy, 2006).