Planning Institute Australia

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The Planning Institute was founded in 1951 and is the only national organisation representing qualified urban and regional planners and other related disciplines in Australia. The institute is a federation of State and Territory Divisions with the National Council comprising one representative from each Division, an elected National President, an Honorary Secretary/Treasurer, the National Young Planner Convenor and others as set out in the PIA Constitution and PIA By-Laws.

The Institute runs a number of events at both the National and Divisional levels, including a biennial National Congress, an Annual State Conference in most States/Territories, special purpose seminars, and a number of social occasions. The Institute also presents National Awards for Planning Excellence to recognise and publicise outstanding achievements in planning and design, and has a code of ethics to which all members are required to adhere.

[edit] References

[edit] External links

  • [1]-Planning Institute Australia Website