Plains Cree language

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Plains Cree
ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ / Nêhiyawêwin
Spoken in: Canada, United States 
Region: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Montana
Total speakers: 34,000
Language family: Algic
  Central Algonquian
    Plains Cree
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: cre
ISO 639-3: crk
Chief of the Cree First Nation
Chief of the Cree First Nation

Plains Cree is an Algonquian language, often considered a dialect of Cree, spoken by about 34,000 people in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Montana. In the southern parts of its territory it is now spoken only by older people, but in the northern parts use of the language remains vigorous.

[edit] References

  • Wolvengrey, Arok. Nêhiyawêwin: Itwêwina. Canadian Plains Research Centre. Regina: 2001. ISBN0-88977-127-8
  • Bloomfield, Leonard. Plains Cree Texts. New York: AMS Press, 1974. ISBN 0404581668
  • Dahlstrom, Amy. Plains Cree Morphosyntax. Outstanding dissertations in linguistics. New York: Garland Pub, 1991. ISBN 0815301723
  • Hirose, Tomio. Origins of predicates evidence from Plains Cree. Outstanding dissertations in linguistics. New York: Routledge, 2003. ISBN 0415967791
  • McIlwraith, Naomi Lynne. 2007. "Nitohta anohc. Nakatohke. Now listen. Listen hard: A creative study of Nehiyawewin, the Plains Cree language, and the reasons for its preservation," University of Alberta MA thesis.
  • Wolfart, H. Christoph. (1973). Plains Cree: a Grammatical Study. American Philosophical Society Transactions n.s. 63, pt. 5. Philadelphia.
  • Wolfart, H. Christoph. (1996). Sketch of Cree, an Algonquian language. In Handbook of North American Indians, ed. by Ives Goddard, Vol. 17: 390-439.
  • Wolfart, H. Christoph, and Freda Ahenakew (1998). The Student's Dictionary of Literary Plains Cree, Based on Contemporary Texts. Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics Memoirs 15. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Linguistics Department. ISBN 0-921064-15-2. 

[edit] External links
