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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Bivalvia
Order: Ostreoida
Family: Placunidae
Gray 1842


See text.

Placunidae (Windowpane shells) is a family of Bivalves, related to Oysters and Scallops. The family is closely related to the Anomiidae (saddle oysters), one of the main differences being that the Placunidae do not attach themselves to a hard surface - instead they are a mud-living family.


[edit] Description

Windowpane shells are suspension feeders, ling on shallow, muddy-bottomed waters. The usually lie with the right valve downwards. The ligament is internal and forms a shallow V-shape.

[edit] Reproduction

The sexes are separateand the larval stage is free-swimming.

[edit] Cultural usage

The shells are used extensively in the Indo-Pacific region, originally as a glass substitute but nowadays for items such as trays, lampshades and decorative objects. Placunidae are extensively collected in the Indo-West Pacific, and cultivated in several areas, for their translucent shell, originally as a substitute of glass in glazing, now mainly for themanufacture of trays, lamp-shades and numerous decorative items. In coastal areas the flesh is eaten. In some areas these shellfish are farmed.[1]

[edit] Taxonomy

  • Placuna Lightfoot 1786
    • Placuna ephippium
    • Placuna lobata
    • Placuna placenta Linnaeus 1758
    • Placuna sella Gmelin 1791
  • Placunomia Broderip 1842

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