Pixie (X-Men)

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Pixie as an X-man.
Publication information
Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance New X-Men: Academy X #5 (November, 2004)
Created by Nunzio DeFilippis
Christina Weir
Michael Ryan
In story information
Alter ego Megan Gwynn
Species Human Mutant
Team affiliations X-Men
New X-Men
Xavier Institute
Paragons Training Squad.
Abilities Butterfly wings enable flight, creates "pixie dust" which causes hallucinations on targets, wields a Souldagger, limited magic

Pixie (Megan Gwynn) is a fictional character, a mutant in the Marvel Universe. She is notable as a member of the former New X-Men team and is soon to be joining the Uncanny X-Men team.


[edit] Fictional character biography

Megan Gwynn is a Welsh teenager from a fictional mining town called Abergylid. Her father died in the mine and because of that she had a fear of the mine.

[edit] Paragons squad

Pixie and her team
Pixie and her team

After enrolling at the Xavier Institute, Pixie became a part of the Paragons training squad under the tutelage of former New Mutant member Rahne Sinclair. She also always wore a bicycle helmet during training sessions.

During this time, she developed a crush on the X-Man Cyclops and was considered a cheerful girl who fit in well with other students; she was even voted Friendliest Student.[1]

[edit] M-Day

Following the events of House of M, almost all of the Institute's students were depowered, which led to the dissolution of the school's training squads. Pixie was one of only twenty-seven students, including her fellow Paragons Trance, Wolf Cub, and Match, not to have lost her mutant abilities.

Forty-two of Pixie's former classmates died when their bus was attacked by William Stryker, an anti-mutant crusader. Among the confirmed deaths was Gwynn's fellow Paragon, DJ.

[edit] Quest For Magik

Pixie, along with Anole, Loa, Wolf Cub, Rockslide, and Match, were told a frightening ghost story by their fellow student Blindfold one night at the school. However, the story was not ficticious but rather a prophesy; telling Pixie that she is "sorry for [her] loss," Pixie and her classmates were sucked into the realm of Limbo, where they were immediately attacked by a mob of demons.

Pixie stayed by Blindfold's side during the fight, and Blindfold cautioned Pixie and the others that Pixie must not "fall to darkness." Pixie used her powers on-panel for the first time during the fight, incapacitating several demons with her "pixie dust." After Magik saves the small group, she asks N'astirh to bring Pixie to her. Despite her friends' pleas, Megan submitted to Magik's request for a soul to create a Soulsword, but due to Anole’s intervention, the spell wasn’t finished and the Soulsword was only partially finished, creating a Souldagger. Magik then explained that the Souldagger is actually a portion of Pixie's own soul and that black magic has now filled the hole left behind in the knife's creation, leaving Pixie no longer as innocent - as well as changing a great portion of her pink hair to black.

Pixie was taught a teleportation spell by Magik and Pixie used it to teleport herself and her friends to Belasco to stop him from torturing the rest of the team. Telling Magik that she must use the Souldagger to stab Belasco in order to save her friends, Pixie asked Magik why she chose Pixie; Magik responds that Pixie is the most innocent of all her friends and that, in Limbo, innocence is power. Pixie followed Magik's instructions and kills Belasco, losing more of her innocence.

After defeating Belasco, Magik wanted to use more of Pixie's soul to create more bloodstones but changed her mind when she saw her brother and sends Pixie and the others back to the Xavier Institute. Pixie was then made a official member of the New X-Men by insistence of Rockslide.

[edit] Children of X-Men

Sitting in the medical lab with Dust and Nezhno, Pixie revealed that Doctor Strange will tutor her in magic when she comes of age. She also questioned Dust about her religion, incorrectly referring to Dust's abaya and niqāb as a burqa. Corrected by Nezhno, she gushes over how he protected her in Limbo.

Shortly thereafter, she participated in a training session with Wolverine where she made him see unicorns. She was also questioned by Mercury about her age and Hellion assumed she is the youngest because she is the most immature.

[edit] Blinded By The Light

Pixie. Art by Humberto Ramos
Pixie. Art by Humberto Ramos

Pixie, along with the other New X-Men takes part in a battle against the Acolytes when they attacked the Xavier Institute seeking to obtain the Destiny Diaries and eliminate Blindfold.

[edit] Messiah Complex

When the first new mutant since M-Day appeared, Pixie joined X-23, Hellion, Anole, Surge, Armor, and Rockslide in attacking the Washington, D.C. base of the anti-mutant Purifiers by teleporting them there. They were confronted by Lady Deathstrike and the Reavers. When Hellion is injured and the Reavers are about to attack, Pixie panics and cannot teleport the team out until Rictor, who infiltrated the Purifiers as a spy, helps her concentrate. Pixie does so but blindly teleports the team, scattering them between Washington, D.C. and the Xavier Institute. Injured, she mentally calls out to Emma Frost, breaking Emma's concentration on the fight between a group of X-Men and the Marauders.

Later, back at the mansion, she is with several other students and Beast when Predator X attacks several students outside, then changes tactics to go after the weaker wounded students in the infirmary. Pixie, realizing that X-23 had killed this type of creature before, attempts to teleport Predator X to X-23's location, but mistakenly takes the majority of the students and Beast along with her and the creature, dropping them in the middle of the X-Men's fight with the Marauders on Muir Island.

During the fight, Pixie is brutally beaten by the Malice-possessed Omega Sentinel, who taunts Pixie until Megan unexpectedly stabs her foe with her Soul-dagger, exorcising Malice from Omega Sentinel's body.

She is later seen being consoled by Mercury after Professor X is shot and mortally wounded.

[edit] Back home

Following the events of Messiah Complex, Pixie returns to her hometown to find the N'Garai have plagued the town and are kidnapping people to feed Kierrok the Damned, their leader. Pixie calls in the X-Men to help defeat the N’Garai and Megan has to face her fear of the mine in which her father was killed to defeat the demons plaguing her town. After defeating Kierrok, Cyclops and the rest of the X-Men take her back to America and joins the newly reformed X-Men in San Francisco (about which she is overjoyed).

[edit] Uncanny X-Men

Upcoming Uncanny X-Men writer Matt Fraction confirmed Pixie will be appearing in the title. It is currently unknown exactly when she will be joining the team but he said she will be like "Kitty Pryde or Jubilee" when they first joined the X-Men.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Pixie uses her pixie dust power in Limbo
Pixie uses her pixie dust power in Limbo

Gwynn possesses insect-like wings (depicted of various colors, depending on the artist) that allow her to fly. In addition, she produces a "pixie dust" that causes hallucinations, often to comedic effect, such as demons seeing bright bubbles and teddy bears, and, in one instance, Wolverine seeing a herd of unicorns and subsequently trying to tear them apart. He still never wants her to dust him again. It is unknown if she has any conscious control over these hallucinations, but mentioned once that she has no idea what her victims are seeing.

After Magik took part of Megan's soul in an attempt to create a Soulsword, her appearance was changed, reflecting the portion of her soul lost to black magic. Her formerly pink hair became mostly black, her eyes became pitch black, and her multicoloured wings are left tattered. As the spell to steal Megan's soul was interrupted, a full Soulsword could not be formed, instead Megan can summon a Souldagger, a diminished, but still powerful magical tool. However, her hair reverted later to a brilliant shade of pink, and her wings seems currently intact, for a still unknown reason.

She is now capable of disrupting magic and harming magic-based creatures by using the Souldagger and claims to know a little magic and has thus far demonstrated only a teleportation spell, taught to her by Magik. She states that she has been consulted by both Amanda Sefton and Doctor Strange about furthering her magical tutelage when she comes of age.

She also has the ability to find evil supernatural creatures as evidenced when she fought the N’Garai who were under a cloaking spell. When asked how she knows where they are she replies “There’s a sliver of darkness that Magik put inside my soul… And it’s like a compass needle for other dark… stuff.”

[edit] Footnotes

[edit] External links
