User:Pirate GreenBug/TDTE

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[edit] The Duct Tape Elite; TDTE

Welcome to the page of The Duct Tape Elite, or TDTE!!!! Notice:Remember, May 21 is National TDTE Day!!!!

For those of you who are members, this is the place to read current news on the Discussion Page, check out some TDTE Userboxes, and discuss TDTE issues on the Discussion page!!!!

[edit] TDTE Userboxes

Code Result Users
{{User:Pirate GreenBug/Userboxes/TDTE}}
TDTE This user is a member of The Duct Tape Elite.
{{User:Pirate GreenBug/Userboxes/TDTE Founder}}
TDTE This user is the Founder of The Duct Tape Elite.
{{User:Pirate GreenBug/Userboxes/TDTE Co-Founder}}
TDTE This user is the Co-Founder of The Duct Tape Elite.
{{User:Pirate GreenBug/Userboxes/TDTE Ductbassador}}
TDTE This user is a Ductbassador in The Duct Tape Elite.
{{User:Pirate GreenBug/Userboxes/TDTE Ductinator}}
TDTE This user is a Ductinator in The Duct Tape Elite.
{{User:Pirate GreenBug/Userboxes/Original Member}}
TDTE This user is one of the original few to join The Duct Tape Elite.
{{User:Pirate GreenBug/Userboxes/Duct Tape}}
This user is addicted to The Tape of Life.
{{User:Pirate GreenBug/Userboxes/Random}}
RanDOm This user is completely Random!!!
{{User:Pirate GreenBug/Userboxes/May21 TDTE}}
TDTE This user can't wait until May 21.

And remember, for these Userboxes, only use the Userbox that describes what you are, so for example, a General Community member is not allowed to have a TDTE Founder Userbox, etc., although the Founder and Co-Founder can have any TDTE Userboxes they wish.

[edit] Requirements For Joining TDTE

THE DUCT TAPE ELITE, or TDTE, is a group created by two bored people who had a love for Duct Tape and what it does.

Qualifications for the TDTE are.

1. One must have a strong passion for Duct Tape. 2. One must not back down when challenges such as run through the house screaming: "I wish I had a monkey with a purple Mohawk that strangely resembles Tom Hanks!" 3. One must learn the ancient language of the Tripmunk, and be able to master this form of speaking while at the same time playing soccer (Which yours truly is fluent in this language). 4. One must understand that Mashed Potatoes, are cool, even without gravy, except when it is lodged up in ones nose, because it burns.

If you qualify then that could either mean you are a totally-bored home schooler, who thinks that having fun is researching duct tape, and the ancient art of Tripmunk. Or you are a wacked-out Vagabond who lives in a small cave carving little bunny rabbits out of cheese.

RULE #1 All members of the TDTE must understand that life would be boring without the word Random, unless the word Random was said different, like Qixipuz, but still meant the same thing.

RULE #2 TDTE members should quote this whenever they feel like it, "Bananas, Bananas, They are yellow. if they weren't I'd be mellow."

RULE #3 All members must try and learn the TDTE theme song, which is sung to the tune of the wheels of the bus. Here is how it goes: Duct tape is the best, and I think so I think so I think so Duct tape is the best, and I think so and so should you.

RULE #4 You should now take the time, and recap the entire email.

RULE #5 All TDTE members must learn about how Snicker doodles are the favorite snack of the Snicker-er which is an animal that resembles the chipmunk, except it is green, and is the shape of a jelly-bean.

RULE #6 All TDTE members must use Duct tape with almost every project they do, seeing as it is the best way to fix, make, or do anything.

RULE #7 TDTE members must understand that there is a great threat towards life as we know it. This threat is a group of dramatic chipmunks, that are lead by, well, a chipmunk that strangely resembles a Prairie-dog. Also that this group has recently joined up with a creepy toy pooh bear, who is quite evil.

RULE #8 TDTE members must realize that Justin will return (and if you don't know who Justin is then I suggest that you find out, or take up spelunking, and pie eating.

RULE #9 All members should agree that the numbers 8 and 4 are awesome numbers, because they can be divided by two.

RULE #10 All members must learn about the great prophecy of Justin, that was created by the founder of TDTE, and understand the Booger propulsion theory in that, which is ""If one could propel their booger at the speed of a flying monkey, it would break the sound barrier, thus creating a rip in the fabric of time and space, which would anger Chuck Norris."

I am the Co-founder of TDTE, and if you wish to join, please do so by emailing me back.

I am the Co-founder of TDTE, and I agree with this message.

I, the founder of TDTE, approve this message in the name of Justin, Duct Tape, and Randomness. --Pirate GreenBug (talk) 16:17, 1 May 2008 (UTC) Image:DUCT.gif

[edit] TDTE Members

The Few. The Proud.

User:Pirate GreenBug


User:Roman Emerald Pirate

User:Dragon of Crimson

[edit] Hierarchy of TDTE

TDTE is run in a Hierarchy fashion. The Hierarchy List can be seen below:

Founder in charge of all TDTE.

Co-Founder helps Founder and is in charge of Ductinators and Duct Bassadors.

Ductbassadors are incharge of helping the General Community.

Ductinators are incharge of recruiting new TDTe members and helping train TDTE Staff.

The General Community comsists of all TDTE non-staff members.

Now, if you don't understand what all these weird terms like "ductbassadors"mean, then the following little list will help you learn what each type of Staff Member does:

Founder and Co-Founder: These two hard-working, Duct Tape loving, homeschooled guys are the the two Grand Poobas, running all of TDTE.

Ductbassadors: These Staff are highly trained Users that comtrol the community and act as Ambassadors for the two Founders, and give the Founders any information on problems in the community.

Ductinators: These lucky Staff Members are incharge of getting people to join TDTE and for helping train the new recruits.

General Community: This is basically everyone in TDTE who is not a Staff member. The General Community is what keeps TDTE running.

[edit] History of TDTE

The TDTE began formulating in the mind of the Co-founder, after talking with the Founder on a field playing sports against his will. It was after the Co-founder went home, that he sat down, and began thinking of all things...Random. Soon after formulating ideas, Such as Duct Tape Elite, The Co-founder mounted himself infront of his computer, typing out all his ideas. Soon after that he made a legal documant, stating that he is the Co-founder of the TDTE, and he soon signed it. About a month after that, The Co-founder began sending out emails, asking people if they want to join, and he made a nice prospect. It was soon after this occurred that he finally was able to make contact with the founder, and TDTE as prospered magnificently since. Soon after that, TDTE had their first Wikipedia-response member,User:Roman Emerald Pirate, sign up. Since then, the TDTE Homepage (the page where you are now) was created by the Founder, and many new Userboxes were added in an official-looking fashion. The Founder then decided TDTE needed some form of Government, and decided to make TDTE's Government a Hierarchy-style one. A few hours after that, the Founder had the random idea of going to an oil-changing place to take pictures of Duct Tape inside of a small, cramped room with an angry employee complaining about how Duct Tape doesn't fit in with a Car Oil-Changing place. After being expelled from the oil-changing place, the Founder decided to take he pictures in his own backyard. The Founder then downloaded his Duct Tape pictures onto his computer, and after a bit of editing, made the first TDTE symbol, which can be seen on the top of the page. A while after, the Founder decided to put up some more images of Duct Tape. He then realized the Co-Founder had made an ingeinus Duct Tape Cpntract picture, and wanted to put up another picture. So he did. After this, the Co-Founder drew and excellent picture of the Snicker-er, and then made a section about it. A While after this, a crazy few idead started to form in the Founder's over-packed head. He started to scribble down a bunch of random little words and notes, and after many minutes of hard work, compiled them into a list so complicated that even he had trouble understanding it. After making the pointless list, he unscrambled it in such a random fashion that all the letters formed some words, like "Gotta Boogie," and "Don Quixote." He then thought that this could only mean one thing: Justin's spirit was somehow sending him messages from the world beyond telling him to incoporate these random words into the TDTE Constituion, which is basically the TDTE Code, which tells all TDTE members what people should expect of them and wht they should expect of themselves. The Founder then began pacing his room, randomly throwing a tooth paste tube at his Crazy Frog screensaver. He then jotted more random words down. Before long, he had a whole new list of ideas that would help tDTE expand it's potential. He started incorporating "Gotta Boogie" into his everyday phrases, and began thinking of how he would manage to recruit more members for TDTE.

[edit] The Snicker-er

You may have noticed that in the email sent out to those about TDTE, I mentioned that one must learn about Snicker-ers, So I decided to devote a section that informs people about Snicker-ers.

The Snicker-er, is a fictatious creature made up by, well, me, the Co-founder of TDTE, during a very random moment. The looks of the comin Snicker-er, are basic. They look strangely like a Chipmunk, except they are green, and the shape of a jelly bean. They still have the chipmunkish tale, and in the front they have your basic chipmunk nose. They also have hair on the top of there head that is the same style of the Beatles pop rock band. They also have huge eyes, that are usually open. The Snicker-er is thus called, for there avid obsetion with snickerdoodles, a delightful cookie, flavored with Cinnamon sugar.

[edit] Hunting the Snicker-er

Hunting the Snicker-er is not yet illegal, but I am working on doing so. Traditionally one takes a big stick, or an object similar in size and shape, then whacks a bush until the Snicker-er jumps out, then you bop them on the head. I have been an avid supporter of the movement against the hunting of these rare species, which is rare for me since I usually don't care if an animal is hunted or not.

[edit] TDTE Picture Gallery