Piotr Rubik

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Piotr Rubik (born 3rd September 1968 in Warsaw) is a Polish composer of symphonic pop music for orchestra, films and theatre.

Piotr Rubik
Piotr Rubik

He learned to play the cello from the age of 7, went on to a musical secondary school, and then studied at the Frederic Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw. Later he became a member of the world-class orchestra Jeunesses Musicales. He studied film score composition in Siena, Italy, under Ennio Morricone.

His magnum opus to date is the oratorio Tu Es Petrus, Latin for "You Are Peter", which he dedicated to Pope John Paul II. It forms only one part of his "Tryptyk Świętokrzyski" (Holy Cross Triptych) which he co-wrote with Zbigniew Książek. The other parts are Oratorium Świętokrzyska Golgota (Holy Cross of Golgotha) and Oratorium Psałterz Wrześniowy (September Psalter) with Tu Es Petrus forming the second part.


[edit] Popular and critical appeal

Some claim Rubik's work is classical music, although some critics point that he is very active in the world of popular mass media and that his compositions are rather more similar to popular music with sacral elements, and arranged for orchestra. It should be noted that unlike many composers considered classical, Rubik often gives interviews to popular media and records music videos to his compositions.

His acclaim in the popular culture is very warm, indeed - his albums are one of the most frequently bought CDs in Poland. The song Niech mówią, że to nie jest miłość (May they say that it's not love) was frequently played in mainstream Polish radio stations and charted on high positions.

In the summer of 2007, Rubik conducted an orchestral and choral Cantata of his own composition for the 750th anniversary of Krakow's township, called Zakochani w Krakowie. It proved to be wildly popular among Krakovians, with multiple encores played at every performance.

[edit] Discography

[edit] Albums

  • 2004 Oratorium Świętokrzyska Golgota 1x Platinum
  • 2005 Oratorium Tu Es Petrus - Ty Jesteś Skała - #2 PL, 2x Platinum
  • 2006 Rubikon - #1 PL, 3x Platinum
  • 2006 Oratorium Psałterz Wrześniowy - #1 PL, 2x Diamond
  • 2007 Cantata Zakochani w Krakowie
  • 2007 Oratorium dla Świata

[edit] Tu Es Petrus

Tu Es Petrus

Część I - Pater Noster-Ojcze Nasz: (Part I: Our Father)
Ludzie to Adam i Ewa (People are Adam and Eve)
Zdumienie (Wonder)
Tak bowiem Bóg (For so did God)
Strumień (Stream)

Intermezzo I

Cześć II - Litania z czterema porami roku:(Part II:Four Seasons Litany)
Litania z czterema porami roku

Część III - Ecce Homo-Oto człowiek: (Part III: Behold the Man)
Ten który zdradził (The one who betrayed)
Ten który się zaparł (The one who repudiated)
Ten który nie uwierzył (The one who disbelieved)
Ten który nie poznał (The one who did not recognize)

Intermezzo II

Część IV - Litania za niosących śmierć: (Part IV: Litany for those bearing death)
Litania za niosących śmierć

Część V - Takiej miłości nikt im nie może dać, tylko Pan Bóg: (Part V: Only God can give them such love)
Miłość to wierność wyborowi (Love is fidelity to choice)
Jedenaste (The Eleventh)
Niech mówią, że to nie jest miłość (Let them say it isn't love)
Będziesz miłował (You shall love)

Część VI - Litania do każdziutkiego na ziemi: (Part VI: Litany for all on earth)
Litania do każdziutkiego na ziemi

Tu Es Petrus

Preceded by
"Słowa" by Gosia Andrzejewicz
Polish National Top 50 number-one single
October 23December 11, 2006
Succeeded by
"My Love" by Justin Timberlake
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