Pincherle derivative

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In mathematics, the Pincherle derivative of a linear operator \scriptstyle{ T:\mathbb K[x] \longrightarrow \mathbb K[x] } on the vector space of polynomials in the variable  \scriptstyle x over a field \scriptstyle{ \mathbb K} is another linear operator \scriptstyle{ T':\mathbb K[x] \longrightarrow \mathbb K[x] } defined as

 T' = [T,x] = Tx-xT = -ad(x)T,\,

so that

 T'\{p(x)\}=T\{xp(x)\}-xT\{p(x)\}\qquad\forall p(x)\in \mathbb{K}[x].

In other words, Pincherle derivation is the commutator of \scriptstyle{T} with the multiplication by  \scriptstyle x in the algebra of endomorphisms  \scriptstyle{ End \left( \mathbb K[x] \right) }.

This concept is named after the Italian mathematician Salvatore Pincherle (1853—1936).

[edit] Properties

The Pincherle derivative, like any commutator, is a derivation, meaning it satisfies the sum and products rules: given two linear operators \scriptstyle  S and \scriptstyle  T belonging to  \scriptstyle End \left( \mathbb K[x] \right)

  1. \scriptstyle{ (T + S)^\prime = T^\prime + S^\prime } ;
  2. \scriptstyle{ (TS)^\prime = T^\prime\!S + TS^\prime } where \scriptstyle{ TS = T \circ S} is the composition of operators ;
  3. \scriptstyle{ [T,S]^\prime = [T^\prime , S] + [T, S^\prime ] } where \scriptstyle{ [T,S] = TS - ST} is the usual Lie bracket.

The usual derivative, \scriptstyle{D = {d \over dx} } is an operator on polynomials. By straightforward computation, its Pincherle derivative is \scriptstyle{D'= ({d \over {dx}})' = Id_{\mathbb K [x]}} = 1.

This formula generalizes to \scriptstyle{(D^n)'=({{d^n} \over {dx^n}})'=nD^{n-1}}, by induction. It proves that the Pincherle derivative of a differential operator \scriptstyle{ \partial = \sum a_n {{d^n} \over {dx^n} } = \sum a_n D^n } is also a differential operator, so that the Pincherle derivative is a derivation of \scriptstyle{ Diff(\mathbb K [x]) }.

The shift operator \scriptstyle{S_h(f)(x) = f(x+h) } can be written as \scriptstyle{S_h = \sum_n {{h^n} \over {n!} }D^n } by the Taylor formula. Its Pincherle derivative is then \scriptstyle{S_h' = \sum_n {{h^n} \over {(n-1)!} }D^{n-1} = h \cdot S_h}. In other words, the shift operators are eigenvectors of the Pincherle derivative, whose spectrum is the whole space of scalars \scriptstyle{ \mathbb K }.

If \scriptstyle T is shift-equivariant, that is, if \scriptstyle T commutes with \scriptstyle S_h or \scriptstyle{ [T,S_h] = 0}, then we also have \scriptstyle{ [T',S_h] = 0}, so that \scriptstyle T' is also shift-equivariant and for the same shift \scriptstyle h.

The "discrete-time delta operator" \scriptstyle {(\delta f)(x) = {{ f(x+h) - f(x) }  \over h }} is the operator \scriptstyle{ \delta = {1 \over h} (S_h - 1)}, whose Pincherle derivative is the shift operator \scriptstyle{ \delta ' = S_h }.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
