Pierre Paul Caffarel

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Pierre Paul Caffarel (1801 Turin - 1871 Turin), Italian entrepreneur who created the chocolate company of Caffarel.

In 1826 Caffarel purchased a revolutionary industrial machine, invented by Bozelli of Genoa, which was able to produce more than 300 kilos a day (a record then). Thanks to this machine he created at the same time the first company to sell big quantities of solid chocolate (the one we are eating today and which was invented in Turin at the end of the 18th century). The second big commercial success was the story of Gianduja. It began in 1852, when Caffarel introduced a new type of chocolate obtained by carefully mixing cocoa, sugar and the famous "Tonda Gentile delle Langhe" hazelnuts that were renowned for their particularly fine, tasty character. From 1865 he started producing this speciality that was really unique, even in its shape, and that is now famous all around the world.

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