Pierre Adolphe Adrien Doyon

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Pierre Adolphe Adrien Doyon (November 1, 1827 - September 21, 1907) was a French dermatologist who was born in Grenoble. After receiving his medical degree, he practiced medicine in Lyon, and from 1858 until his death in 1907, he was a physician associated with the thermal spas in Saint-Martin-d`Uriage.

Doyon is chiefly remembered for his published works. With Ernest Henri Besnier he founded the journal Annales de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie. Doyon spoke fluent German, and had professional relationships with dermatologists in Austria and Germany. Doyon is responsible for translating the works of Ferdinand von Hebra, Albert Neisser, Heinrich Auspitz, and Moritz Kaposi from German into French. Also with French dermatologist Charles-Paul Diday (1812-1894), he co-wrote publications regarding venereal disease, including Les herpès génitaux and Thérapeutique des maladies vénériennes et des maladies cutannées.

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