Piedmont (United States)

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The James River winds its way among Piedmont hills in central Virginia. Most of the hills in the Piedmont region are smaller than these.
The James River winds its way among Piedmont hills in central Virginia. Most of the hills in the Piedmont region are smaller than these.
Piedmont plateau region (shaded)
Piedmont plateau region (shaded)

Piedmont is a plateau region located in the eastern United States between the Atlantic Coastal Plain and the main Appalachian Mountains, stretching from New Jersey in the north to central Alabama in the south. The Piedmont province is a physiographic province of the larger Appalachian division. The province consists of the Piedmont Upland and Piedmont Lowlands sections. The Fall line marks its eastern boundary with the Coastal Plain. To the west the Piedmont is mostly bounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains, the easternmost range of the main Appalachians. Physiographically, the Piedmont is considered a province of the larger Appalachian Highlands physiographic division.[1] The width of the Piedmont varies, being quite narrow above the Delaware River but nearly 300 miles (475 km) wide in North Carolina. The Piedmont's area is approximately 80,000 square miles (207,000 sq km).[2]

The name "Piedmont" roughly translates as foot (pied) hill (mont) in French, and the region is named after the Italian region of Piemonte.


[edit] Geology

The surface relief of the Piedmont is characterized by relatively low, rolling hills with heights above sea level between 200 feet (50 m) and 800 feet to 1,000 feet (250 m to 300 m). Its geology is complex, with numerous rock formations of different materials and ages intermingled with one another. Essentially, the Piedmont is the remnant of several ancient mountain chains that have since been eroded away. Geologists have identified at least five separate events which have led to sediment deposition, including the Grenville orogeny (the collision of continents that created the supercontinent Rodinia) and the Appalachian orogeny during the formation of Pangaea. The last major event in the history of the Piedmont was the break-up of Pangaea, when North America and Africa began to separate. Large basins formed from the rifting and were subsequently filled by the sediments shed from the surrounding higher ground. The series of Mesozoic basins is almost entirely located within the Piedmont region.

[edit] Soils and farming

Piedmont soils are generally clayey and moderately fertile. In some areas they have suffered from erosion and over-cropping, particularly in the south where cotton is the chief crop. In the central Piedmont region of North Carolina and Virginia, tobacco is the main crop, while in the north there is more diversity, including orchards, dairying, and general farming.[2]

[edit] Music

The Piedmont region is closely associated with the Piedmont blues, a style of blues music that originated there in the late 19th century. Most Piedmont blues musicians came from Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. During the Great Migration, Black Americans migrated to the Piedmont. With the Appalachian Mountains to the west, those who may otherwise have spread into rural areas instead stayed in cities and were thus exposed to a broader mixture of music than those in, for example, the rural Mississippi delta. Thus, Piedmont blues was influenced by many types of music such as ragtime, country, and popular songs -- styles that had comparatively less influence on blues music in other regions.

The Piedmont is also characteristic of a style of dance known as the cakewalk or the Slow Drag, which originated based on the local culture and community.

[edit] Cities

Many major cities are located on the Fall line, the eastern boundary of the Piedmont. Within the Piedmont region itself there are several areas of urban concentration. For example, the Piedmont Crescent in North Carolina includes several metropolitan clusters such as Metrolina, the Piedmont Triad, and The Triangle. Another major city of the Piedmont is Atlanta, Georgia.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Physiographic divisions of the conterminous U. S.. U.S. Geological Survey. Retrieved on 2007-12-06.
  2. ^ a b Piedmont. The Columbia Gazetteer of North America, 2000.. Retrieved on 2007-12-09.

[edit] Further reading

  • Michael A. Godfrey (1997). Field Guide to the Piedmont. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 524 pages. ISBN 0-8078-4671-6.

[edit] External links