Pico da Neblina National Park

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Pico da Neblina National Park
IUCN Category II (National Park)
Location State of Amazonas, Northern Brazil
Nearest city São Gabriel da Cachoeira
Area 22,200 km²
Established 1979
Governing body Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA)

Pico da Neblina National Park is a national park in the north of Brazil, bordering on Venezuela. The latter country also has an adjoining national park, called Neblina as well. The Brazilian national park was created in 1979, and it is one of the country's largest national parks, with 22,200 km² (8,575 sq. mi). The park was named after the Pico da Neblina, one of its mountains and the country's highest elevation at 2,994 m (9,822 ft). It is covered by dense or open Amazon Rainforest, although other forms of vegetation, associated to high altitudes, can be also found in the area. The wildlife is very diverse, with some peculiar species, like the black-headed uakari and the Guianan Cock-of-the-rock.

The park is also part of the Yanomami Territory and requires a special permit to be visited. There is no tourist infrastructure whatsoever and access is very difficult.

[edit] See also

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