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The PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG) is a consortium of over 450 companies that collaboratively develop open specifications for high-performance telecommunications and industrial computing applications. The members of the consortium have a long history of developing and using leading edge products for these industries.

It was founded in 1994 with an original mission to extend the PCI standard, and currently focuses on developing and implementing guidelines for Open Standards based computer architectures for telecommunications, industrial, and military use. Its specifications include AdvancedTCA, AdvancedMC, MicroTCA, COM Express, and CompactPCI.

[edit] Joint projects

The PICMG has active liaisons with several industry bodies including the Service Availability Forum. In December 2004, PICMG representatives began meeting with representatives from other consortia in what became the Mountain View Alliance, a consortium of consortia formed to enable and promote the adoption of commercial off-the-shelf systems.

[edit] External links