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[edit] The Color Green with Billy Joe Armstrong.

[edit] Elimination order

Billy's callout order
# Contestants Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 *Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 *Ep 9 Ep 10 Ep 11 Ep 12 Ep 13 Ep 14 Ep 15
1 Amador Amador Andy Adrienne Adrienne Adrienne Adrienne Adrienne Airrick Adrienne Adrienne Adrienne Andy Apollo Apollo Naomi
2 Andy Andy Apollo Andy Andy Andy Airrick Airrick Andy Airrick Andy Andy Apollo David Naomi Apollo
3 Apollo Apollo Ayla Apollo Apollo Apollo Andy Andy Apollo Andy Apollo Apollo David Naomi David
4 April April Benjamin Ayla Benjamin Brittney Apollo Apollo Brittney Apollo Brittney David Naomi Andy
5 Ashley Ashley Brittney Benjamin Brittney Chancitie Brittney Brittney David Brittney David Naomi Adrienne
6 Ayla Ayla Chancitie Brittney Chancitie Joey Chancitie Chancitie Naomi Chancitie Naomi Britney
7 Benjamin Benjamin Corey Chancitie Jamie Naomi David David Adrienne David Airrick
8 Brittney Brittney Danielle Corey Joey Benjamin Joey Naomi Chancitie Naomi Chancitie
9 Carol Chancitie Dave Danielle Mackenzie Mackenzie Lauren Lauren
10 Chancitie Corey Dick Jamie Naomi Jamie Naomi Joey
11 Chet Danielle Jamie Joey Ayla
12 Corey Dave Joey Mackenzie Corey
13 Danielle Dick Mackenzie Naomi Danielle
14 Dave Gena Naomi Zac Zac
15 Dick Ghost Shanda Dave
16 Gena Joey Tyani Dick
17 Ghost Mackenzie Zac Shanda
18 Hong Mary Ann Amador Tyani
19 Jackie Naomi April
20 Jamie Seány Ashley
21 Joey Shanda Ghost
22 Jonas Tyani Mary Ann
23 Lilia Zac Seány
24 Mackenzie Carol Gena
25 Mary Ann Chet
26 Mellisa Hong
27 Michelle Jackie
28 Naomi Jonas
29 Patrick Lilia
30 Seány Mellisa
31 Shanda Michelle
32 Tyani Patrick
33 William William
34 Zac
35 Adrienne
36 Airrick
37 David
38 Lauren
  • Contestants are arranged alphabetically.
  • Episodes with a * contained no eliminations or amulets handed out.
  • In Episode 15, Naomi was crowned the winner. But after Billy awarded her the final amulet, she broke his heart by admitting to the fact that the whole competition was just for her to get camera time. She never had any true feelings for Billy and she and her Ex left his mansion.

Its rumoured that a second season will be made.

     The contestant was eliminated.
     The contestant won a date with Billy.
     The contestant won a date with Billy, but was eliminated.
     The contestant left of his/her own accord.
     The contestant is Billy's wife.
     The contestant is one of Billy's ex's.
     The contestant was brought back into the competition.
     The contestant won the competition but revealed that she still has a relationship with her Ex.

[edit] Other Cast

  • Tre Cool-The shows primary host and Billy's best friend.

[edit] Eliminations

The following table explains Billy's reasons for asking each contestant to leave.

  • Some reasons were not stated in the episode in which they aired.
Name Reason for elimination Episode eliminated
Chet Too obese for him. Episode 1
Hong Felt like he was acting. Episode 1
Jonas Too Shy Episode 1
Patrick Reason not stated in episode. Episode 1
William-William Sledd Thought his internet career is better for him. Episode 1
Amador Began to lose interest. Episode 2
Ghost Thought he was hiding something. Episode 2
Seány Not Stated in episode. Episode 2
Dave Was too quiet for him. Episode 3
Dick Reason not stated in episode. Episode 3
Corey Cheated with another contestant. Episode 4
Zac Began to lose interest. Episode 4
Benjamin Thought he was depressed about something. Episode 5
Jamie      Thought the competition was too much for him and left. Episode 5
Joey Lost interest. Episode 7
Airrick Needed To Stay An Ex. Episode 10
Andy Was caught with his Ex. Episode 13
David Thought there relationship is ending. Episode 14
Apollo Naomi was a better partner for him. Episode 15
Name Reason for elimination Episode eliminated
Carol Too innocent for him. Episode 1
Jackie Too much of an angel to him. Episode 1
Lilia Thought she acted like a clown. Episode 1
Mellisa Had a Unibrow. Episode 1
Michelle Not stated in episode. Episode 1
April Began to lose interest. Episode 2
Ashley Began to lose intelligence. Episode 2
Mary Ann Thought her weight was a problem. Episode 2
Gena      Lied that her mother died to leave when really she wasn't comfortable with gay men. Episode 2
Shanda Eliminated because she didn't like gay men. Episode 3
Tyani Was too quiet for him Episode 3
Ayla Cheated on another contestant Episode 4
Danielle Lied that she wasn't married. Episode 4
Mackenzie Said something rude behind Billy's back. Episode 5
Lauren Wanted her to stay an ex's Episode 7
Chancitie Disrespected Adrienne and Naomi. Episode 10
Brittney Thought their relationship was shorting. Episode 11
Adrienne      Unknown reason as to quiting. Divorced. Episode 12

[edit] Competition Blind Date with Brianne

[edit] Elimination order

Brianne's Callout Order
ABC Order Name Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 Ep 9 Ep 10 Reunion Ep 12 Finale
01 Alexen Alexen Alexen Alexen Alexen Alexen Alexen Alexen George George Hans Hans George Sean C.
02 Brandon Brandon Brandon Brent Bruno Bruno Bruno George Hans Hans George Sean C. George
03 Bruno Brent Brent Bruno George George George Hans Jason Jason Sean B.
04 Bryan Bruno Bruno George Hans Hans Hans Bruno Alexen Bruno
05 Chuck Byran Bryan Hans Sean B. Sean C. Bryan
06 Fransisco Eddie George Jon Sean C. Bryan Sean C.
07 George George Hans Marty Sean P. Sean B.
08 Hans Hans Jackson Sean B. Brent Sean P.
09 Jackson Jackson Jon Sean C. Jon
10 Joey Jon Marty Sean P.
11 Marcois Mark Miguel Brandon
12 Marty Marty Sean B. Jackson
13 Max Max Sean C. Miguel
14 Maxwell Miguel Sean P.
15 Miguel Sean B. Eddie
16 Sean C. Sean C. Max
17 Jon Sean P. Mark
18 Mark Chuck
19 Mike Fransisco
20 Sean B. Herc
21 Brent Joey
22 Eddie Marcois
23 Herc Maxwell
24 Scott Mike
25 Sean P. Scott
26 Jason Jason
     The contestant was eliminated
     The contestant was Eliminated before eliminations.
     The contestant voluntarily left the competition
     The contestant voluntarily left the competition then was brought back into the competition.
     The contestant was chosen by producers
     The contestant is one of Jason's brothers.
     The contestant is returning for the second season.
     The contestant won the competition
     The contestant was eliminated by producer picked contestants and later added his 5 brothers to the competition.
     The contestant was brought back to decide the winner.
     The contestant was originally the winner but broke up on the reunion show.

[edit] Other Cast

[edit] Eliminations

The following table explains Brianne's reasons for asking each contestant to leave.

  • Some reasons were not stated in the episode in which they aired.
Name Reason for elimination Episode eliminated
Chuck Was too young for Brianne. Episode 1
Fransisco Not Stated In Episode. Episode 1
Herc Not her type. Episode 1
Joey Thought he was homosexual. Episode 1
Marcois Couldn't speak English that well. Episode 1
Maxwell Thought he was a slob Episode 1
Mike Didn't want to give him a second chance at love. Episode 1
Scott      Was eliminated because he said he was there for cameras. Episode 1
Bryan      Accused of having a wife that he didn't have so he left. Episode 2
Eddie Not Stated in Episode Episode 2
Max He said Mr. Universe was more important. Episode 2
Mark Didn't want to give him a second chance at love. Episode 2
Marty      Injured himself during the date and left the competition. Episode 3
Brandon Didn't Connect anymore. Episode 3
Jackson Began to be bi-polar Episode 3
Miguel Thought he wasn't wealthy enough. Episode 3
Brent Thought he was there for cameras. Episode 4
Jon Didn't deserve a second change for love and began to lose interest. Episode 4
Sean B. Began to lose interest and didn't deserve to have a second chance at love. Episode 5
Sean P. Revealed that he had diabetes and began to be abusive. Episode 5
Bryan Thought that bringing him back was a wrong decision. Episode 6
Bruno Didn't connect with his parents.. Episode 7
Alexen Didn't have feelings anymore. Episode 8
Jason      Eliminated because his job was over. Episode 9
George Hans was a better choice. Episode 10
Hans Broke up after the show. Episode 11

Competition Blind Date Season 1

Brianne's Callout Order
ABC Order Name Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6
01 Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Slash Slash
02 Gil Gil Gil Gil Gil Gil Gil
03 Quan Mark Mark Mark Sean Sean
04 Mark Mike Mike Sean Slash Jason
05 Mike Sean Sean Jon Mark
06 Sean Jon Jon Slash Jon
07 Jon CJ CJ CJ
08 Jerry Slash Slash Mike
09 CJ Zach Zach
10 Jose Jerry Jerry
11 Nat Jose
12 Zach Quan
13 Slash Nat

[edit] Other Cast

     The contestant was eliminated
     The contestant won the competition, but later dumped on reunion show.