Photosystem II light harvesting protein

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Photosystem II protein
Symbol PSII
Pfam PF00421
InterPro IPR000932
TCDB 3.E.2
OPM family 2
OPM protein 2axt
Available PDB structures:

1s5lb:1-501 2axtB:1-501

Photosystem II light-harvesting proteins are the intrinsic transmembrane antenna proteins CP43 (PsbC) and CP47 (PsbB) found in the reaction centre of PSII. These polypeptides bind to chlorophyll a and beta-carotene and pass the excitation energy on to the reaction centre[1]. This family also includes the iron-stress induced chlorophyll-binding protein CP43 (IsiA), which evolved in cyanobacteria from a PSII protein to cope with light limitations and stress conditions.

Under iron-deficient growth conditions, CP43 associates with PSI to form a complex that consists of a ring of 18 or more CP43 molecules around a PSI trimer, which significantly increases the light-harvesting system of PSI. IsiA can also provide photoprotection for PSII[2].

[edit] Subfamilies

[edit] References

  1. ^ Barber J (2002). "Photosystem II: a multisubunit membrane protein that oxidises water". Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 12 (4): 523–530. doi:10.1016/S0959-440X(02)00357-3. PMID 12163077. 
  2. ^ Yeremenko N, Kouril R, Ihalainen JA, D'haene S, Van oosterwijk N, Andrizhiyevskaya EG, Keegstra W, Dekker HL, Hagemann M, Boekema EJ, Matthijs HC, Dekker JP (2004). "Supramolecular organization and dual function of the IsiA chlorophyll-binding protein in cyanobacteria". Biochemistry 43 (32): 10308–10313. doi:10.1021/bi048772l. PMID 15301529.