Phoenix First Assembly of God

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Phoenix First Assembly of God or "Phoenix First" as it is commonly called in short within the Assemblies of God denomination, is a MegaChurch in Phoenix, Arizona. It has a huge campus and an indoor stadium-like sanctuary that seats at least 5,000. It has small (5-10 seating rows) 2nd- and 3rd-level balconies on most of the circumference of the auditorium. Pastor Tommy Barnett is the pastor of the church. A notable attendee is Ted Haggard, the former pastor of New Life Church, in Colorado Springs, who is also the former president of the National Association of Evangelicals, until he was forced to resign as a result of a homosexual affair. In fact, Pastor Tommy Barnett's ministry has helped fallen leaders before including notable ones such as the 1980s popular televangelist Jim Bakker.

Phoenix First is an outreach church. Its largest events every year include Pastors School, in which thousands of pastors and workers come from all over the country to learn from Pastor Tommy Barnett how to make a church grow. Another notable event is The Great Turkey Giveaway. This event occurs around Thanksgiving and provides some 4,000 turkeys for underprivileged families that the church busses in from all over Phoenix. Yet another amazing display of compassion is the Great Toy Giveaway. This occurs around Christmas and the church gives away over 6,000 presents to Phoenix's underprivileged children. In fact Phoenix First Assembly brings in hundreds of the unfortunate each week with its large fleet of white busses.

Other notable achievements of Phoenix First include The Los Angeles Dream Center and The Phoenix Dream Center. These are rehabilitation centers that take in the homeless for free and provide them with the means to overcome addiction, abuse, and an assortment of other burdens people pick up in life. The Los Angeles Dream Center is run by Tommy Barnetts son, Mathew Barnett.

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