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// Removes an image from multiple pages importScript('User:AzaToth/morebits.js'); importScript('User:AzaToth/twinkleunlink.js'); // [[User:Mr.Z-man/hideClosedAFD.js]] importScript('User:Mr.Z-man/hideClosedAFD.js'); /**** quick image delete ****/ document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' + 'src="' + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>'); /* This is to keep track of who is using this extension: [[User:Howcheng/quickimgdelete.js]] */ // This script adds search links to the toolbox. addOnloadHook(function () { if (wgCanonicalNamespace == "Special") return; // no links for special pages var title = wgTitle; if (wgCanonicalNamespace != "") title = title.replace(/^.*\//, ""); // subpage name only var query = encodeURIComponent('"'+title+'" -Wikipedia' ); addPortletLink('p-tb', ''+query, 'Web search', 't-googlesearch', 'Search Google for "'+title+'"', 'W'); addPortletLink('p-tb', ''+query, 'News search', 't-googlenewssearch', 'Search Google News Archive for "'+title+'"', 'N'); 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insertBefore = insertBeforeArr[insertBeforeNum]; function makeTime() { var li = document.createElement( 'li' ); = 'pt-time'; var mySpan = document.createElement( 'span' ); mySpan.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'date and time' ) ); li.appendChild( mySpan ); if ( insertBefore ) { var before = document.getElementById( insertBefore ); before.appendChild( li, before ); } else // append to end (right) of list { document.getElementById( 'pt-logout' ).parentNode.appendChild( li ); } getTime(); } if ( window.addEventListener ) window.addEventListener ( 'load', makeTime, false ); else if ( window.attachEvent ) window.attachEvent ( 'onload', makeTime ); function getTime() { var time = new Date(); var date = time.getUTCDate(); var months = 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split(' '); month = months[time.getUTCMonth()]; var year = time.getUTCFullYear(); var hours = '0' + time.getUTCHours(); hours = hours.substr(hours.length-2, hours.length); var minutes = '0' + time.getUTCMinutes(); minutes = minutes.substr(minutes.length-2, minutes.length); var seconds = '0' + time.getUTCSeconds(); seconds = seconds.substr(seconds.length-2, seconds.length); var curTime = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + ", " + date + " " + month + " " + year + " (UTC)"; datePlace = document.getElementById('pt-time').childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; datePlace.replaceData(0, datePlace.length, curTime); doTime = window.setTimeout("getTime()", 1000); } //</nowiki></pre> // This is auto save version of [[User:Ilmari Karonen/nfurbacklink.js]] // Copyright holder is [[User:Ilmari Karonen]] if (wgCanonicalNamespace == "Image" && wgAction == "edit" && /[&?]nfurbacklink=/.test( { addOnloadHook(function () { var editform = document.editform; if (!editform) return; var textbox = editform.wpTextbox1; if (!textbox) return; var previewDiv = document.getElementById("wikiPreview"); var backlink = decodeURIComponent(/[&?]nfurbacklink=([^&]*)/.exec([1]); var nfur_tag = " *(:? *[Tt]emplate: *)?([Nn]on-free ((fair )?use|media) r|[Ff]air use r|[Rr])ationale"; 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var title = links[0].getAttribute("title"); if (links.length != 1) title = ""; // should have exactly one link here if (/^(Talk|User|Wikipedia|Image|MediaWiki|Template|Help|Category|Portal)( talk)?:/.test(title)) title = ""; // wrong ns links = null; // free DOM NodeList object var cells = rationale.getElementsByTagName("td"); for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) { if (/^\s*\[\[\{\{\{Article\}\}\}\]\]\s*$/.test(cells[j].textContent)) { var cellContent = cells[j].getElementsByTagName("p")[0]; if (!cellContent) cellContent = cells[j]; // fallback, in case markup changes var fixLink = document.createElement("a"); fixLink.className = "external"; fixLink.href = wgScript + "?title=" + encodeURIComponent(wgPageName) + "&action=edit"; if (title) { fixLink.href += "&nfurbacklink=" + encodeURIComponent(title); fixLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode("set to ")); fixLink.appendChild(document.createElement("i")); fixLink.lastChild.appendChild(document.createTextNode(title)); } else { fixLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode("please fix manually")); 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} else document.editform.wpTextbox1.value += '===[[' + target + ']]===\n' + '{{'+'REMOVE THIS TEMPLATE WHEN '+'CLOSING THIS AfD|>>add cat here<<}}\n'+ ':{{la|' + target + '}} – <includeonly>([[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + target + '|View AfD]])</includeonly>\n'+ 'Reason for nomination. ~~' + '~~\n*\n*\n*\n'; } else add_link('javascript:afd()', 'Afd'); } } addOnloadHook(autoafd); //this helps automate AfD closing by adding a 'close' tab to AfD debates //written by [[User:Johnleemk]] based on [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/test-n.js]] by [[User:Celestianpower]] function autoafd_result() { var close = prompt("Result of debate?") var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1; t.value = t.value.split('{{REMOVE THIS TEMPLATE WHEN CLOSING THIS AfD').join('{{ns:0'); t.value = "{{subst:" + "at" + "}} '''" + close + "'''. 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(Enter 'd' for default.)") var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1; // If default votepage... if (votepage=="d") { var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title="); var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit"); var temp = temp[0].substring(5); var votepage = temp; } t.value = "{{" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value; f.wpSummary.value = "Article survived AfD"; } function autoafd_no_consensus() { var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?") var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)") var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1; // If default votepage... if (votepage=="d") { var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title="); var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit"); var temp = temp[0].substring(5); var votepage = temp; } t.value = "{{" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''no consensus'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value; f.wpSummary.value = "Article survived AfD with no consensus"; } function autoafd_redirect() { var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?") var redirect = prompt("Redirect to?") var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)") var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1; // If default votepage... if (votepage=="d") { var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title="); var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit"); var temp = temp[0].substring(5); var votepage = temp; } t.value = "{{" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''redirect to [[" + redirect + "]]'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value; f.wpSummary.value = "Article redirected to [[" + redirect + "]] as per AfD"; } function autoafd_merge() { var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?") var redirect = prompt("Merge and redirect to?") var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)") var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1; // If default votepage... if (votepage=="d") { var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title="); var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit"); var temp = temp[0].substring(5); var votepage = temp; } t.value = "{{" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''merge and redirect to [[" + redirect + "]]'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value; f.wpSummary.value = "Article merged and redirected to [[" + redirect + "]] as per AfD"; } function autoafd_other() { var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?") var result = prompt("Result was?") var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)") var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1; // If default votepage... if (votepage=="d") { var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title="); var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit"); var temp = temp[0].substring(5); var votepage = temp; } t.value = "{{" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''" + result + "'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value; f.wpSummary.value = "AfDed; result was " + result; } function autoafd_add_afd_tabs() { // Only add for pages with the right string somewhere in the title if (document.title.indexOf("Editing Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/") != -1) { addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_result()', "close"); addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_relist()', "relist"); } if (document.title.indexOf("Editing Talk:") != -1) { addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_keep()', "keep"); addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_no_consensus()', "no consensus"); addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_redirect()', "redirect"); addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_merge()', "merge"); addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_other()', "other"); } } addOnloadHook(autoafd_add_afd_tabs); //end AfD closing script //Please leave this link: [[User:ais523/editcount.js]] //<pre><nowiki> //JavaScript edit counter. By [[User:ais523]]. //To install this, you can copy it into your monobook.js or use a script-inclusion //method (see WikiProject User Scripts). It produces a 'count' tab on contribs pages //that can be used to count a user's edits. It won't count more than 5000 edits in any //namespace, to prevent excessive server load. //Add LI Link and Add Tab, renamed to prevent conflicts. To make installation easier //for people who haven't used User Scripts before. function ecAddLILink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){ var na = document.createElement('a'); na.href = url; na.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); var li = document.createElement('li'); if(id) = id; li.appendChild(na); tabs.appendChild(li); if(id) { if(key && title) { ta[id] = [key, title]; } else if(key) { ta[id] = [key, '']; } else if(title) { ta[id] = ['', title]; } } // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js akeytt(); return li; } function ecAddTab(url, name, id, title, key){ var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; return ecAddLILink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key) } var aecwpajax; // From [[WP:US]] mainpage (wpajax renamed to aecwpajax), some comments removed aecwpajax={ download:function(bundle) { var x = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : false; if (x) { x.onreadystatechange=function() { x.readyState==4 && aecwpajax.downloadComplete(x,bundle); };"GET",bundle.url,true); x.send(null); } return x; }, downloadComplete:function(x,bundle) { x.status==200 && ( bundle.onSuccess && bundle.onSuccess(x,bundle) || true ) || ( bundle.onFailure && bundle.onFailure(x,bundle) || alert(x.statusText)); } }; function ecQuickCountComplete(xmlreq,data) { alert("Edit count: "+xmlreq.responseText.split("<count>")[1].split("</count>")[0]); } addOnloadHook(function() { if(location.href.indexOf("Special")!=-1&&location.href.indexOf("Contributions")!=-1) ecAddTab("javascript:ais523quickcount()","quick count","ca-ais523qc","Quick Count",""); }); function ais523quickcount() { var trg; trg=ecGetParamValue('target'); if(trg==null) trg=location.href.substr(location.href.lastIndexOf("/")+1);{url:''+ 'titles=User:'+encodeURIComponent(trg)+'&format=xml', onSuccess:ecQuickCountComplete}); } addOnloadHook(function() { if(location.href.indexOf("Special")!=-1&&location.href.indexOf("Contributions")!=-1) ecAddTab("javascript:ais523contrib()","count","ca-ais523count","Count",""); }); //This function was orignally taken from [[User:Lupin/autoedit.js]]. I've renamed it //because I know many users use popups, and I don't want to cause a naming conflict. //Edited to decode + to space as well, and to use a decoding function that handles //a broader range of characters. function ecGetParamValue(paramName) { var cmdRe=RegExp('[&?]'+paramName+'=([^&]*)'); var h=document.location; var m; if (m=cmdRe.exec(h)) { try { while(m[1].indexOf('+')!=-1) { m[1]=m[1].substr(0,m[1].indexOf('+'))+" "+m[1].substr(m[1].indexOf('+')+1); } return decodeURIComponent(m[1]); } catch (someError) {} } return null; }; function ais523contrib() { var u; if(location.href.indexOf("?")!=-1) u=ecGetParamValue("target"); else u=location.href.substr(location.href.lastIndexOf("/")+1); location.href=""+u+"&ais523count=1&namespace=0"; } //Analyses an edit summary and returns a two-letter code indicating what the edit seems //to be doing. The edit summary is passed with parens round it, written in HTML. This //doesn't yet work for section edits, which will have to be parsed out in the main //function. function ecAnalyseSummary(edsum) { edsum=edsum.toLowerCase(); if(edsum.indexOf("→")!=-1) return 'se'; //section edit, can't say any more than that if(edsum==")") return 'se'; //section edit, no summary if(edsum.indexOf(" ")==0) edsum="("+edsum.substr(1); //came from section if(edsum.indexOf("(rvv")==0) return 'rv'; //vandalism revert if(edsum.indexOf("(rv vand")==0) return 'rv'; //vandalism revert if(edsum.indexOf("(revv")==0) return 'rv'; //vandalism revert if(edsum.indexOf("(rev vand")==0) return 'rv'; //vandalism revert if(edsum.indexOf("(revert vand")==0) return 'rv'; //vandalism revert if(edsum.indexOf("(rv ")==0&&edsum.indexOf("vandal")!=-1) return 'rv'; if(edsum.indexOf("(rev ")==0&&edsum.indexOf("vandal")!=-1) return 'rv'; if(edsum.indexOf("(rv ")==0) return 'ro'; //other manual revert if(edsum.indexOf("(rev ")==0) return 'ro'; //other manual revert if(edsum.indexOf("(reverted ")==0) return 'ra'; //automatic revert if(edsum.indexOf("(revert to ")==0) return 'ra'; //automatic revert, probably if(edsum.indexOf("(revert edit(s) ")==0) return 'ra'; //per [[User:Qxz]] if(edsum.indexOf("(revert")==0) return 'ro'; //guess manual for time being; //I need more examples of this sort of rv if(edsum.indexOf("(rm ")==0) return 'rm'; //removal if(edsum.indexOf("(rem ")==0) return 'rm'; //removal if(edsum.indexOf("(remove ")==0) return 'rm'; //removal if(edsum.indexOf("(rmv ")==0) return 'rm'; //removal if(edsum.indexOf("(redir")==0) return 'rd'; //redirect, including redir auto-summary if(edsum.indexOf("(#redir")==0) return 'rd'; //redirect, including redir auto-summary if(edsum.indexOf('(<a href="/w')==0) return 'li'; //edit summary was a link if(edsum.indexOf("(<a href='/w")==0) return 'li'; //edit summary was a link if(edsum.indexOf('(<a href=/w')==0) return 'li'; //edit summary was a link if(edsum.indexOf('{{welcome')!=-1) return 'we'; //welcome if(edsum.indexOf('welcome}}')!=-1) return 'we'; //welcome if(edsum.indexOf('(welcome')!=-1) return 'we'; //welcome if(edsum.indexOf('welcome)')!=-1) return 'we'; //welcome //User warnings are sorted by level. Other warnings and edit summaries are used; //this is just a small beginning for now. if(edsum.indexOf('test0')!=-1) return 'w0'; //warning 1 if(edsum.indexOf('test1')!=-1) return 'w1'; //warning 1 if(edsum.indexOf('test2')!=-1) return 'w2'; //warning 2 if(edsum.indexOf('test3')!=-1) return 'w3'; //warning 3 if(edsum.indexOf('test4')!=-1) return 'w4'; //warning 4 if(edsum.indexOf('test5')!=-1) return 'w5'; //warning 5 if(edsum.indexOf('test6')!=-1) return 'w6'; //warning 6 //Automated warnings if(edsum.indexOf('(warning user using')==0) return 'wa'; //automated warning //Prodding if(edsum.indexOf('{'+'{prod')!=-1) return 'pr'; //prod if(edsum.indexOf('(prod')!=-1) return 'pr'; //prod //Some XfD-tagging summaries. So far I've only included the deletion-debates //I'm familiar with. if(edsum.indexOf('{'+'{afd}}')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging if(edsum.indexOf('{'+'{afd1')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging if(edsum.indexOf('(afd)')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging if(edsum.indexOf('{'+'{tfd}}')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging if(edsum.indexOf('(tfd)')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging if(edsum.indexOf('{'+'{md}}')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging if(edsum.indexOf('{'+'{md1')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging if(edsum.indexOf('(mfd)')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging if(edsum.indexOf('{'+'{rfd}}')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging if(edsum.indexOf('(rfd)')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging if(edsum.indexOf('for deletion')!=-1) return 'xf'; //XfD tagging //Speedy deletions if(edsum.indexOf('db-')!=-1) return 'sp'; //Speedy if(edsum.indexOf('db|')!=-1) return 'sp'; //Speedy if(edsum.indexOf('speedy')!=-1) return 'sp'; //Speedy (probably) if(edsum.indexOf('{{delete}}')!=-1) return 'sp'; //override group de below //Other deletion-related (removal of text, delete votes, etc. if(edsum.indexOf('(del')!=-1) return 'de'; if(edsum.indexOf('delete')!=-1) return 'de'; if(edsum.indexOf('(d)')!=-1) return 'de'; if(edsum.indexOf('(d ')!=-1) return 'de'; if(edsum.indexOf('(-')==0) return 'de'; // as in -link //Marked as additions if(edsum.indexOf('(add ')!=-1) return 'ad'; if(edsum.indexOf(' add ')!=-1) return 'ad'; if(edsum.indexOf('(add)')!=-1) return 'ad'; if(edsum.indexOf(' add)')!=-1) return 'ad'; if(edsum.indexOf('(+')==0) return 'ad'; // as in +1 //Probable XfD votes to keep if(edsum.indexOf('(k)')!=-1) return 'ke'; if(edsum.indexOf('(keep')!=-1) return 'ke'; if(edsum.indexOf("'keep'")!=-1) return 'ke'; //for when the user just copies their //vote to the summary; also produced by //WikiVoter //Votes somewhere to support if(edsum.indexOf('(support')!=-1) return 'su'; //to oppose if(edsum.indexOf('(oppose')!=-1) return 'op'; if(edsum.indexOf("{"+"{")!=-1) return 'ta'; //unknown, marked as a tag if(edsum.length<=6) return 'ab'; //unknown abbreviation <=4 chars + parens return 'uk'; //unknown } //The main function; this actually counts the edits. The section at the end displays //the results. addOnloadHook(function() { if(location.href.indexOf("ais523count")!=-1&&location.href.indexOf("ais523countres")==-1) { //Counting edits. Relies on the fact that <LI> with no arguments only appears //at the start of a contrib line. var contribs=0; var nosum=0,oldnosum; var sumloc; var sortcount=new Array(); var bodyh=document.body.innerHTML; while(bodyh.indexOf("<li>")!=-1) { contribs++; oldnosum=nosum; bodyh=bodyh.substr(bodyh.indexOf("<li>")+4); sumloc=9999999; if(bodyh.indexOf('<span class="comment">')!=-1) sumloc=bodyh.indexOf('<span class="comment">'); if(bodyh.indexOf("<li>")<sumloc) nosum++; if(bodyh.indexOf("<li>")==-1&&sumloc!=9999999) nosum--; //last edit on page if(nosum==oldnosum) { //Parse edit summary var edsum=bodyh.indexOf('>',sumloc); bodyh=bodyh.substr(edsum+1); sumloc=bodyh.indexOf("</span>"); edsum=bodyh.substr(0,sumloc); edsum=ecAnalyseSummary(edsum); if(edsum=='se') { //jump to next </span> bodyh=bodyh.substr(sumloc+7); sumloc=bodyh.indexOf("</span>"); edsum=bodyh.substr(0,sumloc); edsum=ecAnalyseSummary(edsum); } if(sortcount[edsum]==undefined) sortcount[edsum]=0; sortcount[edsum]++; } } bodyh=document.body.innerHTML; //This is the way IE counts it. while(bodyh.indexOf("<LI>")!=-1) { contribs++; oldnosum=nosum; bodyh=bodyh.substr(bodyh.indexOf("<LI>")+4); sumloc=9999999; if(bodyh.indexOf('<SPAN CLASS="comment">')!=-1) //a plausible format sumloc=bodyh.indexOf('<SPAN CLASS="comment">'); if(bodyh.indexOf('<SPAN class=comment>')!=-1) //The IE method sumloc=bodyh.indexOf('<SPAN class=comment>'); if(bodyh.indexOf("<LI>")<sumloc) nosum++; if(bodyh.indexOf("<LI>")==-1&&sumloc!=9999999) nosum--; //last edit on page if(nosum==oldnosum) { //Parse edit summary var edsum=bodyh.indexOf('>',sumloc); bodyh=bodyh.substr(edsum+1); sumloc=bodyh.indexOf("</SPAN>"); edsum=bodyh.substr(0,sumloc); edsum=ecAnalyseSummary(edsum); if(edsum=='se') { //jump to next </SPAN> bodyh=bodyh.substr(sumloc+7); sumloc=bodyh.indexOf("</SPAN>"); edsum=bodyh.substr(0,sumloc); edsum=ecAnalyseSummary(edsum); } if(sortcount[edsum]==undefined) sortcount[edsum]=0; sortcount[edsum]++; } } var namespace=ecGetParamValue("namespace"); var scres=""; var scit; for (scit in sortcount) { scres+="&cns"+namespace+scit+"="+sortcount[scit]; } if(namespace!="101") //Portal talk location.href=location.href.substr(0,location.href.lastIndexOf("namespace="))+ "countns"+namespace+"="+contribs+scres+"&countnosum"+namespace+"="+nosum+"&namespace="+(namespace=="15"?"100":1+new Number(namespace)); else { var lh=location.href; location.href=""+lh+"&countns101="+contribs+"&countnosum101="+nosum+scres; //You can use a page other than [[User:ais523/results]] as long as it's in the //correct format. } } else if(location.href.indexOf("ais523countres=")!=-1) { //This relies on the template page [[User:ais523/results]] being in the //correct format. document.getElementById("ais523echead").style.display="none"; var h=document.getElementById("ais523ecbody").innerHTML; while(h.indexOf("((")!=-1) { var i=h.indexOf("(("); var f=h.substr(0,i); var g=h.substr(i+2,h.indexOf("))")-i-2); if(g.indexOf('#d')==0) { //delete unwanted lines to remove clutter var j=h.indexOf("((/#d))"); var v=false; j=h.substr(i+6,j-i-2); while(j.indexOf("((")!=-1) { var ii=j.indexOf("(("); var gg=j.substr(ii+2,j.indexOf("))")-ii-2); j=j.substr(ii+2); gg=ecGetParamValue(gg); if(gg!=null&&gg!=0&&gg!='0') v=true; } if(v) g=""; else {h=h.substr(h.indexOf("((/#d")); g="";} } else if(g.indexOf("/#d")==0) g=""; else if(g.indexOf("total")==0) { g=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns0')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns1')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns2')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns3')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns4')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns5')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns6')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns7')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns8')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns9')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns10')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns11')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns12')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns13')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns14')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns15')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns100')); g+=new Number(ecGetParamValue('countns101')); } else g=ecGetParamValue(g); if(g==null) g='0'; f+=g+h.substr(h.indexOf("))")+2); h=f; } document.getElementById("ais523ecbody").innerHTML=h; } }); //JavaScript diff finder. By [[User:ais523]] addOnloadHook(function() { if(location.href.indexOf("Special")!=-1&&location.href.indexOf("Contributions")!=-1) { ecAddTab("javascript:ais523l1000()","last 1000","ca-ais523sort","Random diffs from recent edits",""); document.getElementById('ca-ais523sort').innerHTML= "last <A HREF='javascript:ais523l1000()'>1000</A> "+ "<A HREF='javascript:ais523l2000()'>2000</A>"; } if(location.href.indexOf("&ais523sort=last")!=-1) window.setTimeout("ais523sort();",500); //work around IE bug }); function ais523l1000() { var trg; trg=ecGetParamValue('target'); if(trg==null) trg=location.href.substr(location.href.lastIndexOf("/")+1); location.href=""+ "&limit=1000&target="+trg+"&ais523sort=last1000"; } function ais523l2000() { var trg; trg=ecGetParamValue('target'); if(trg==null) trg=location.href.substr(location.href.lastIndexOf("/")+1); location.href=""+ "&limit=2000&target="+trg+"&ais523sort=last2000"; } function ais523sort() { var s=document.body.innerHTML; var re=/href="(\/w\/index\.php\?title=([^"/]*)((\/[^"]*)?)&diff=prev&oldid=[0-9]*)"/i; var a=new Array(); var b=new Array(); var c=new Array(); var nc=new Array(); var d=new Array(); while(!=-1) { var m=s.match(re); var m2=""; var q; if(m[3]!='') m2=" subpages"; m[4]=decodeURIComponent(m[2])+m2; m[5]=m2; if(c[m[4]]==undefined) c[m[4]]=0; if(c[m[4]]<10) q=c[m[4]]; else if(Math.random()<10/(c[m[4]]+1)) q=Math.floor(Math.random()*10); else q=-1; c[m[4]]++; if(d[m[4]]==undefined) d[m[4]]=new Array(); if(q>-1) d[m[4]][q]=m; s=s.substr(; } var i; var j; for(i in c) { if(c[i]<5) { for(j in d[i]) { var ns="(main)"; var q; if(d[i][j][4].indexOf(":")!=-1) ns=d[i][j][4].substr(0,d[i][j][4].indexOf(":")); m=d[i][j]; m[2]="Others in namespace "+ns; m[3]=""; m[4]=m[2]; m[5]=""; if(nc[m[4]]==undefined) nc[m[4]]=0; if(nc[m[4]]<10) q=nc[m[4]]; else if(Math.random()<10/(nc[m[4]]+1)) q=Math.floor(Math.random()*10); else q=-1; nc[m[4]]++; if(d[m[4]]==undefined) d[m[4]]=new Array(); if(q>-1) d[m[4]][q]=m; } } } for(i in d) { if(nc[i]!=undefined||c[i]>=5) for(j in d[i]) { var m=d[i][j]; m[2]=decodeURIComponent(m[2]); if(a[m[4]]==undefined) a[m[4]]="*[[:"+m[2].split("_").join(" ")+"]]"+m[5]+":"; if(b[m[4]]==undefined) b[m[4]]="<LI><A HREF='"+ m[2]+"'>"+m[2].split("_").join(" ")+"</A>"+m[5]+":"; a[m[4]]+=" ["+m[1]+"]"; b[m[4]]+=" <A HREF='"+m[1]+"'>["+(new Number(j)+1)+"]</A>"; } } var e=0; for(i in c) { if(c[i]>=5) { a[i]+=(c[i]>10?"...":"")+" ("+c[i]+" edit(s))\n"; b[i]+=(c[i]>10?"...":"")+" ("+c[i]+" edit(s))\n"; if(c[i]>e) e=c[i]+1; } } for(i in nc) { if(nc[i]>=5) { a[i]+=(nc[i]>10?"...":"")+" ("+nc[i]+" edit(s))\n"; b[i]+=(nc[i]>10?"...":"")+" ("+nc[i]+" edit(s))\n"; } } var trg=ecGetParamValue('target'); var h="<H1>Contribution breakdown for <A HREF='"+trg; h+="'>User:"+trg+"</A></H1>\n"; h+="<H2>HTML output</H2><UL>"; var j=e; while(--j>=5) { for(i in c) { if(c[i]==j) h+=b[i]; } } for(i in nc) if(nc[i]>=5) h+=b[i]; j=e; h+="</UL>\n<H2>Wikimarkup output</H2><pr"+"e>"; while(--j>=5) { for(i in c) { if(c[i]==j) h+=a[i]; } } for(i in nc) if(nc[i]>=5) h+=a[i]; h+="</p"+"re>"; document.body.innerHTML=h; } // Log counter. function ais523log() { location.href=""+ document.getElementById('user').value+"&page=&limit=5000&offset=0&ais523log=count"; } addOnloadHook(function() { if(location.href.indexOf("ais523log")!=-1&&location.href.indexOf("ais523logres")==-1) { var h=document.body.innerHTML; var i; var j=new Array(); h=h.toLowerCase().split("<li>"); i=h.length; while(--i) { if(h[i].indexOf("block</a>)")!=-1) h[i]=h[i].split("block</a>)")[1]; else h[i]=h[i].split("contribs</a>)")[1]; h[i]=h[i].split("<")[0].split('"').join("").split(" ").join(""); if(h[i]==""&&i+1==h.length) h[i]="newuseraccount"; else if(h[i]=="") h[i]="renamed"; //renames and original account creation are both "" if(j[h[i]]==null||j[h[i]]==undefined) j[h[i]]=0; j[h[i]]++; } h=""; for(i in j) h+="<tr><td>"+i+"</td><td>"+j[i]+"</td></tr>"; location.href=""+ encodeURIComponent(h); } else if(location.href.indexOf("ais523logres")!=-1) document.getElementById("ais523ecbody").innerHTML= "<table>"+decodeURIComponent(ecGetParamValue('ais523logres'))+"</table>"; else if(wgPageName=="Special:Log") ecAddTab("javascript:ais523log()","count","ca-ais523log","Count",""); }); // Contribution day/time counter addOnloadHook(function(){ if(wgPageName=="Special:Contributions") ecAddTab("javascript:ais523dtc()","day/time","ca-ais523dtc","Summarizes what times on what days this editor edits",""); }); var ais523dtc_counts=null; var ais523dtc_max=0; var ais523dtc_rschn=false; var ais523dtc_prog=0; var ais523drc_sg=false; var ais523dtc_nybbles=new Array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'); function ais523dtc_v(n) { if(ais523dtc_max<n) { ais523dtc_max=n; ais523dtc_rschn=true; } var f=n/ais523dtc_max; var r=0, g=0; if(f<1/3) g=Math.floor(f*3*255); else if(f<2/3) {g=255; r=Math.floor((f*3-1)*255);} else {r=255; g=Math.floor((3-f*3)*255);} return ais523dtc_nybbles[Math.floor(r/16)]+ais523dtc_nybbles[r%16]+ ais523dtc_nybbles[Math.floor(g/16)]+ais523dtc_nybbles[g%16]+"00"; } function ais523dtcStep(xmlreq,data) { var trg; trg=ecGetParamValue('target'); if(trg==null) trg=location.href.substr(location.href.lastIndexOf("/")+1); var a=xmlreq.responseText.split('timestamp="') var i=a.length; ais523dtc_prog+=i-1; while(--i) { var q=a[i].split('"')[0]; var d=new Date(); d.setUTCFullYear(+q.substr(0,4)); d.setUTCMonth((+q.substr(5,2))-1); d.setUTCDate(+q.substr(8,2)); var wday=d.getUTCDay(); var hper=4*+q.substr(11,2)+Math.floor((+q.substr(14,2))/15); document.getElementById('a5w'+wday+'q'+hper).style.backgroundColor= "#"+ais523dtc_v(++ais523dtc_counts[wday*96+hper]); } if(ais523dtc_rschn) { ais523dtc_rschn=false; var wday=7; while(wday--) { var hper=96; while(hper--) document.getElementById('a5w'+wday+'q'+hper).style.backgroundColor= "#"+ais523dtc_v(ais523dtc_counts[wday*96+hper]); } } document.getElementById('a5dtcp').innerHTML=ais523dtc_prog; document.getElementById('a5dtck1').innerHTML=Math.floor(ais523dtc_max/3); document.getElementById('a5dtck2').innerHTML=Math.floor(2*ais523dtc_max/3); document.getElementById('a5dtck3').innerHTML=ais523dtc_max; if(xmlreq.responseText.indexOf("query-continue")==-1) // finished { ais523dtc_sg=true; document.getElementById('a5dtco').innerHTML='(finished)'; return; }{url:''+ 'ucuser='+encodeURIComponent(trg)+'&ucprop=timestamp&format=xml&uclimit=100&ucstart='+ xmlreq.responseText.split('ucstart="')[1].split('"')[0],onSuccess:ais523dtcStep}); } function ais523dtcook(xmlreq,data) { if(!ais523dtc_sg) return; document.getElementById('a5dtco').innerHTML="(out of an overestimated "+ xmlreq.responseText.split("<count>")[1].split("</count>")[0]+")"; } function ais523dtc() { var trg; trg=ecGetParamValue('target'); if(trg==null) trg=location.href.substr(location.href.lastIndexOf("/")+1); var h="<table class='wikitable'><tr><th> </th>"; var i=0; while(i<24) h+="<th colspan=4>"+i++ +"</th>" h+="</tr><tr><th>Sun</th>"; i=0; while(i<96) h+="<td id='a5w0q"+i++ +"'> </td>"; h+="</tr><tr><th>Mon</th>"; i=0; while(i<96) h+="<td id='a5w1q"+i++ +"'> </td>"; h+="</tr><tr><th>Tue</th>"; i=0; while(i<96) h+="<td id='a5w2q"+i++ +"'> </td>"; h+="</tr><tr><th>Wed</th>"; i=0; while(i<96) h+="<td id='a5w3q"+i++ +"'> </td>"; h+="</tr><tr><th>Thu</th>"; i=0; while(i<96) h+="<td id='a5w4q"+i++ +"'> </td>"; h+="</tr><tr><th>Fri</th>"; i=0; while(i<96) h+="<td id='a5w5q"+i++ +"'> </td>"; h+="</tr><tr><th>Sat</th>"; i=0; while(i<96) h+="<td id='a5w6q"+i++ +"'> </td>"; h+="</tr></table><div>Processed <span id='a5dtcp'>0</span> edits so far <span id='a5dtco'></span>"; h+=". Key: <span style='background-color:#000000'>0 edits, </span>"; h+="<span style='background-color:#00FF00'><span id='a5dtck1'>0</span> edits, </span>"; h+="<span style='background-color:#FFFF00'><span id='a5dtck2'>0</span> edits, </span>"; h+="<span style='background-color:#FF0000'><span id='a5dtck3'>0</span> edits.</span></div>"; document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML=h; if(ais523dtc_counts==null) ais523dtc_counts=new Array(); ais523dtc_max=null; ais523dtc_prog=0; ais523dtc_sg=true; i=7*96; while(i--) ais523dtc_counts[i]=0;{url:''+ 'ucuser='+encodeURIComponent(trg)+'&ucprop=timestamp&format=xml&uclimit=100', onSuccess:ais523dtcStep});{url:''+ 'titles=User:'+encodeURIComponent(trg)+'&format=xml', onSuccess:ais523dtcook}); } //</nowiki></pre> //[[Category:Wikipedia scripts]]