Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency

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The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) was established by Republic Act 9165 enacted in the year 2002 as the lead anti-drugs office in the Philippines under the supervision of the Dangerous Drugs Board which is under the supervision of the President of the Philippines. The agency is tasked with the enforcement of the penal and regulatory provisions of RA 9165. All other Agencies in the Philippines such as the Philippine National Police, National Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Customs Enforcement Service must inform and coordinate any anti-drug/s operations with the PDEA. The PDEA is led by a Director General and assisted by other officials. The more prominent units within the PDEA are the intelligence and investigation, plans and operations, and the legal and prosecution service. The basic qualifications for the position of Drug Enforcement Officer are as follows age- 21 to 35, College Degree holder, Civil Service Professional Exam Passer, Physically fit.

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