Philip of Harveng

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Philip of Harveng[1] (died 1183) was a twelfth-century Premonstratensian and abbot of Bonne-Espérance Abbey in Hainault (present-day Belgium), and a theological writer.


[edit] Biblical commentary

His Responsio de damnatione Salomonis addressed the puzzling Biblical behaviour of Solomon[2]. He invented novel schemes of history from the Book of Daniel in his Dream of Nebuchadnezzar (De somnio regis Nabuchodonosor) [3], varying the pattern of the four monarchies.

[edit] Augustinian theology

His life of Augustine of Hippo was celebrated and influential[4]. Drawing on Possidius, he also makes Augustine presage the regular canons[5]. Associating the phrase docere verbo et exemplo (to teach by word and example) with the clerical life, in his De institutione clericorum, he put an emphasis on preaching[6]. In the same work he argued in favour of social order[7].

[edit] Other works

He wrote much hagiography, including a life of St. Foillan[8]. Surviving letters to Philip, Count of Flanders and Henry I, Count of Champagne argue for knightly patronage of learning[9].

[edit] References

  • G. P. Sijen, Philippe de Harveng, abbé de Bonne-Espérance: sa biographie, Analecta Praemonstratensia vol. 14 (1938), pp. 37-52
  • N. J. Weyns, A propos des Instructions pour les clercs (De Institutione Clericorum) de Philippe de Harveng, Analecta Praemonstratensia vol. 53 (1977), pp. 71-79
  • Carol Neel, Philip of Harvengt and Anselm of Havelberg: The Premonstratensian Vision of Time, Church History, Vol. 62, No. 4 (December, 1993), pp. 483-493
  • U. G. Leinsle,"Deo militans clericus“ – Rittertum und Krieg im Werk Philipps von Harvengt, Analecta Praemonstratensia 77 (2001), pp. 94-120

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Philippe Le Harvengt.
  2. ^ heliotropia 2.1 - papio
  3. ^ Giles Constable, The Reformation of the Twelfth Century (1996), p. 164.
  4. ^ Eric Leland Saak, High Way to Heaven: The Augustinian Platform Between Reform and Reformation (2002), p. 179.
  5. ^ Saak, p. 182.
  6. ^ Caroline Walker Bynum, The Spirituality of Regular Canons in the Twelfth Century: A New Approach, Medievalia et Humanistica, New Series Nr. 4, 1973, online.
  7. ^ Giles Constable, Three Studies in Medieval Religious and Social Thought (1998), pp. 263-4.
  8. ^ Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Foillan
  9. ^ Knights at Court

[edit] External links
